And Now, A Word About the TSA
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Assclowns of the Week
Links to the first 33 Assclowns of the Week.
Links to Assclowns of the Week 38-63.
#106: The Turkey Has Landed edition
#105: Blame it on Paris or Putin edition
#104: Make Racism Great Again Also Labor Day edition
#103: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Toilet edition
#102: Orange is the New Fat edition
#101: Electoral College Dropouts edition
#100: Centennial of Silliness edition
#99: Dr. Strangehate edition
#98: Get Bentghazi edition
#97: SNAPping Your Fingers at the Poor edition
#96: Treat or Treat, Kiss My Ass edition
#95: Monumental Stupidity double-sized edition
#94: House of 'Tards edition
#93: You Da Bomb! edition.
#92: Akin to a Fool edition.
#91: Aurora Moronealis edition.
#90: Keep Your Gubmint Hands Off My High Pre'mums and Deductibles! edition.
#89: Occupy the Catbird Seat/Thanksgiving edition.
#88: Heil Hitler edition.
#87: Let Sleeping Elephants Lie edition.
#86: the Maniacs edition.
#85: The Top 50 Assclowns of 2010 edition.
#(19)84: Midterm Madness edition.
#83: Spill, Baby, Spill! edition.
#82: Leave Corporations Alone, They’re People! edition.
#81: Hatin' on Haiti edition.
#80: Don't Get Your Panties in a Twist edition.
#79: Top 50 Assclowns of 2009 edition.
#78: Nattering Nabobs of Negativism edition.
#77: ...And Justice For Once edition.
#76: Reading Tea Leaves/Labor Day edition.
#75: Diamond Jubilee/Inaugural Edition
#74: Dropping the Crystal Ball Edition
#73: The Twelve Assclowns of Christmas Edition
#72: Trick or Treat Election Day Edition
#71: Grand Theft Autocrats Edition
#70: Soulless Corporations and the Politicians Who Love Them Edition
Empire Of The Senseless. Conservative Values for an Unsaved World.
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The Burning Platform.
The Rant.
Mock, Paper, Scissors.
James Petras.
Towle Road.
Avedon's Sideshow (the new site).
At Largely, Larisa Alexandrovna's place.
The Daily Howler.
The DCist.
Greg Palast.
Jon Swift. RIP, Al.
God is For Suckers.
The Rude Pundit.
William Grigg, a great find.
Brad Blog.
Down With Tyranny!, Howie Klein's blog.
Wayne's World. Party time! Excellent!
Busted Knuckles, aka Ornery Bastard.
Mills River Progressive.
Right Wing Watch.
Earthbond Misfit.
Echidne of the Snakes.
They Gave Us a Republic.
The Gawker.
Outtake Online, Emmy-winner Charlotte Robinson's site.
Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo
No More Mr. Nice Blog.
Head On Radio Network, Bob Kincaid.
Spocko's Brain.
WTF Is It Now?
No Blood For Hubris.
Lydia Cornell, a very smart and accomplished lady.
Roger Ailes (the good one.)
The Smirking Chimp.
Hammer of the Blogs.
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.
Existentialist Cowboy.
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Lexis News.
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Don Emmerich's Peace Blog
The Peoples' Voice.
CIA World Fact Book.
IP address locator.
Tom Tomorrow's hilarious strip.
Babelfish, an instant, online translator. I love to translate Ann Coulter's site into German.
Newsmeat: Find out who's donating to whom.
Free Press
The Bone Bridge.

The TSA is why my wife and I are never flying into the U.S. again. We've avoided it since 2010, when the porno-scanner X-ray cancer-causing devices were installed. Fuck that noise. I refuse to be treated like I'm a suicidal mass murderer just because I choose to fly on an airplane.
In Australia, all over Europe, even Canada (mostly) you're treated as a customer when you fly. In the U.S., you're treated like a criminal. We'd dearly like to go to Hawaii again, but no freaking way will we ever do that until it breaks away from the USA. (I reckon the chances of that happening are higher than the fascist security state ever coming to its senses.)
How come none of the anti-government fuckwits (except Ron Paul) ever complain about the bloated, inefficient bureaucracy that is the SSecurity SState? Because they're authoritarians at heart. They don't mind Big Government as long as it's carrying Big Guns.
When my mom on the East Coast dies, I'm going to fly within Canada to Toronto, then rent a car and drive down to Maryland. Anything but flying into the U.S. You're losing money by losing my business, mofos!
I'd take a train from Ontario to D.C. but U.S. train service sucks so bad that's not feasible. When the Italians, yes, the freaking ITALIANS, can run a bullet train that goes from Florence to Milan in two hours, going UNDERNEATH the entire Apennine mountain chain, it makes me sad that America can't make theirs run on time. That was an amazingly smooth ride, by the way, and as we were doing it, I marvelled at how easy it was compared to the times we've driven that route on the Autostrada. Another measure of how the U.S. has fallen, when they can't do things as well as the Eye-ties.
Is anyone else having a problem with the infographic coming up? I don't know if this is an error in the html coding or my internet connection.
It overlaps with your sidebar/blogroll on my computer at work. No huge problem, I can read what I want to of it.
It no longer comes up for me and the creator assures me it comes up for him. Perhaps it's a browser issue.
hate to break it to you bukko, but there is NO getting around the TSA anymore by not flying. they are expanding to traffic stops, bus and train stations, and boat docks. they are not everywhere yet in those capacities, but that's the plan eventually. sorry.
Exactly. I forgot to mention that.
hate to break it to you bukko, but there is NO getting around the TSA anymore by not flying.
Stuff like that is giving us more impetus to move back to Australia. I didn't want to go to Canada in the first place. Not that it's BAD, but I liked Oz better. However, my wife just HAAAAAAD to be closer to her friends in San Francisco. Exactly ONE of whom has come up to visit us in the 2+ years we've been living here. And the tentacles of the fascist octopus keep reaching closer. Now it's my wife who's pushing to move back Down Under. (I'm so glad I pushed on with getting permanent residency rights while we were there.)
It's all fucked, JP and anonymous commenter (who will probably never see this, but I thank you for the info. I'm writing this mainly as a message to you, Senor Pork.) I feel damned lucky to be in the position I'm in, where I can choose which country I want to live in. Sorry that can't apply to you too, JP. It's looking like we're going to head to an area near the New South Wales/Queensland border, close to the beaches, where there's relatively fertile land and moderate rainfall, where we can grow some food and eke out survival when the shit hits the fan. I plan to wait until after the election in November, to see how things go.
I've had a good life. I can get by with having less. Did you ever read the book of see the movie of "On the Beach"? That's what I'm feeling like now.
The anonymous commenter was Mrs. JP.
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