Good Times at Gotham City, 2/14/17
All Time Classics
Our Worse Half: The 25 Most Embarrassing States.
The Missing Security Tapes From the World Trade Center.
It's a Blunderful Life.
The Civil War II
Sweet Jesus, I Hate America
Top Ten Conservative Books
I Am Mr. Ed
Glenn Beck: Racist, Hate Monger, Comedian
The Ten Worst Music Videos of all Time
Assclowns of the Week
Links to the first 33 Assclowns of the Week.
Links to Assclowns of the Week 38-63.
#106: The Turkey Has Landed edition
#105: Blame it on Paris or Putin edition
#104: Make Racism Great Again Also Labor Day edition
#103: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Toilet edition
#102: Orange is the New Fat edition
#101: Electoral College Dropouts edition
#100: Centennial of Silliness edition
#99: Dr. Strangehate edition
#98: Get Bentghazi edition
#97: SNAPping Your Fingers at the Poor edition
#96: Treat or Treat, Kiss My Ass edition
#95: Monumental Stupidity double-sized edition
#94: House of 'Tards edition
#93: You Da Bomb! edition.
#92: Akin to a Fool edition.
#91: Aurora Moronealis edition.
#90: Keep Your Gubmint Hands Off My High Pre'mums and Deductibles! edition.
#89: Occupy the Catbird Seat/Thanksgiving edition.
#88: Heil Hitler edition.
#87: Let Sleeping Elephants Lie edition.
#86: the Maniacs edition.
#85: The Top 50 Assclowns of 2010 edition.
#(19)84: Midterm Madness edition.
#83: Spill, Baby, Spill! edition.
#82: Leave Corporations Alone, They’re People! edition.
#81: Hatin' on Haiti edition.
#80: Don't Get Your Panties in a Twist edition.
#79: Top 50 Assclowns of 2009 edition.
#78: Nattering Nabobs of Negativism edition.
#77: ...And Justice For Once edition.
#76: Reading Tea Leaves/Labor Day edition.
#75: Diamond Jubilee/Inaugural Edition
#74: Dropping the Crystal Ball Edition
#73: The Twelve Assclowns of Christmas Edition
#72: Trick or Treat Election Day Edition
#71: Grand Theft Autocrats Edition
#70: Soulless Corporations and the Politicians Who Love Them Edition
Empire Of The Senseless. Conservative Values for an Unsaved World.
Esquire's Charles Pierce.
Brilliant @ Breakfast.
The Burning Platform.
The Rant.
Mock, Paper, Scissors.
James Petras.
Towle Road.
Avedon's Sideshow (the new site).
At Largely, Larisa Alexandrovna's place.
The Daily Howler.
The DCist.
Greg Palast.
Jon Swift. RIP, Al.
God is For Suckers.
The Rude Pundit.
William Grigg, a great find.
Brad Blog.
Down With Tyranny!, Howie Klein's blog.
Wayne's World. Party time! Excellent!
Busted Knuckles, aka Ornery Bastard.
Mills River Progressive.
Right Wing Watch.
Earthbond Misfit.
Echidne of the Snakes.
They Gave Us a Republic.
The Gawker.
Outtake Online, Emmy-winner Charlotte Robinson's site.
Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo
No More Mr. Nice Blog.
Head On Radio Network, Bob Kincaid.
Spocko's Brain.
WTF Is It Now?
No Blood For Hubris.
Lydia Cornell, a very smart and accomplished lady.
Roger Ailes (the good one.)
The Smirking Chimp.
Hammer of the Blogs.
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.
Existentialist Cowboy.
The Progressive.
The Nation.
Mother Jones.
Vanity Fair.
Citizens For Legitimate Government.
News Finder.
Indy Media Center.
Lexis News.
Military Religious Freedom.
McClatchy Newspapers.
The New Yorker.
Bloggingheads TV, political vlogging.
Find, the next-best thing to Nexis.
Altweeklies, for the news you won't get just anywhere.
The Smirking Chimp
Don Emmerich's Peace Blog
The Peoples' Voice.
CIA World Fact Book.
IP address locator.
Tom Tomorrow's hilarious strip.
Babelfish, an instant, online translator. I love to translate Ann Coulter's site into German.
Newsmeat: Find out who's donating to whom.
Free Press
The Bone Bridge.

You certainly wouldn't know anything about people losing their jobs because of indiscreet communication of sensitive information now, would you?
And you certainly wouldn't know anything about "goodbye forever," eh, Cheesedick? But, please, keep supplying me with evidence.
Whatever you say, sweetums. Happy Valentine's Day.
Definition of a stalker: Someone who'd rather spend Valentine's Day posting nasty comments on a stranger's blog than with his bride. Do you have even an inkling of how much of a loser you are, Chadwick? Right, right back at you. Happy V Day to you and your gold digger wife.
Dear God, you're a bore. Fiona wants me to remind you that you can have me or my hair. Sorry, man.
Oh, a tag team! Cool! Is that part of Fiona's new Becky Lynch strategy to help keep your interest? What's next? You teaching her how to do a full Nelson during your sex role play games?
Sick burn, yo. I yield to your masterful art of the tired, worn out, repetitive and ridiculous insult.
Why do you even publish this guy's comments?
For the longest time, I deleted them unread. Then I got smarter. And so he doesn't cravenly delete them, as he did last month, I take screen shots of the entire comment page.
No doubt, he'll be back later to sneer at this comment and repeat himself with something like, "Yeah, good luck with that, pal," or some unimaginative comeback. Then that will also go up.
Evidence of what and for who?
Put up whatever you like, sir. Nobody will listen. Nobody cares.
Basement Dweller 22: See what I mean? I know what this prick's going to do even before he knows what he's going to do.
In answer to your questions, evidence of cyberstalking and harassment, which has been going on for over two and a half years. Which I'm sending to his employer, specifically his CEO. It doesn't matter if it proves to be efficacious or not. At least it'll be documented. With two of his former coworkers having already lodged complaints about him, this is the start of consensus. See, I've been stockpiling information on this loser piece of right wing shit for months and keeping it from my readers because, frankly, people are tired of hearing about this needless war going on between Jailbird Joe Chadwick and me. But the plain fact is, this con man grifter signed a six figure contract nine months ago and in all that time, he hasn't produced one project they can take to market because he's too lazy to work on the one project with which he's been tasked while giving them a pet project they can't publish because of Amazon's reasons for keeping it off the US market: copyright infringement. The same copyright infringement that got a previous version of his shitty cartoon book pulled off three online vendors (including Amazon).
Maybe eventually, they'll begin to question the wisdom of hiring a con man then signing him to a four year contract extension a couple of months ago with a raise.
You really are beyond clueless. I love it.
And how am I a conman, I wanna hear your insane reasoning for that one.
Great cartoon, JP.
My favorite line, that made me laugh, was Spicer's "Leave me alone! Why do you people keep stalking me!"
That line was inspired by real life events. (See above.)
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