Friday, October 11, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(Trump will always be our dog catcher, right guys?)

     If you ask a Secretary of State who's a converted oil executive (And we all know what fine, upstanding, law-abiding chaps those guys are) to do something for a client of your future fixer AND HE REFUSES TO DO IT BECAUSE IT'D BE ILLEGAL, well, most guys would know they've gone to the weeds and should come back into the light.
      But this is Donald Trump we're talking about, a guy who lives not just in the weeds but a moral wilderness occupied solely by him and a few short term victims.
      We need to reinvestigate Michael Flynn's exact role as a foreign agent in the pay of the Turks (as well as the Russians), roles about which Flynn wasn't very forthcoming when he sought security clearances to work in Trump's government.

       How many people think this should be an elective or exploratory course beginning with primary or middle school?

       Why are we continually surprised when we invite these 1% psychopaths to speak and they say shit like this? I mean, we're forced to listen to Trump on a daily basis. But among these 1% scumbags and their ilk, Trump's hardly an outlier. There's something wrong with those people.

        I know Trump's a fucking sociopath but, shit, this is cold even for him.

        Bribery. Isn't that illegal, too?

       I've been reading about Operation Varsity Blues all year long. Yet I never got that one face, name and story of any of its victims impacted by its scandal. Pro Publica finally did something about it and wrote a long piece about Adam Langevin, a hard-working rising tennis star who got screwed out of admission to Georgetown by the family that invented Hot Pockets.

      "Whoever their Pollster is, they suck. But @FoxNews is also much different than it used to be in the good old days." Yeah, that's right, Donnie Oranges. Smear the pollster and Fox instead of the 51% who want you impeached.

       Was Jeffrey Epstein an Israeli spy? You be the judge.

       "Inappropriately"? How about illegally? This is typical right wing fecklessness in action. If Joni Ernst, a senator, doesn't know colluding with a foreign nation for political-self interest is illegal, she shouldn't be in Congress.

       The Constitution vests the House with "the sole Power of Impeachment" in Article I, Section 2, and prescribes in Article I, Section 5, that "each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings."
       Nancy Pelosi is setting the rules as the Speaker as the Constitution gives her the power to. Trump is obstructing her and the body over which she holds sway because Trump still thinks he's running a private corporation.
       He is not. He's is now a public servant like any other. And it's mind-boggling that not only do we now have a "president" to whom this has to be explained but that he still doesn't accept that.

       This also undoes nearly 30 years of tricky diplomacy to get the Kurds to trust us again after the treachery of the Reagan/Bush I years.

         Meme intermission.

        This just stinks to high heaven of the worst kind of corruption. There's the obvious corruption of Giuliani being in bed with these Soviet-born scumbags who helped Giuliani yeast up a Ukrainian investigation into the Bidens & who'd kicked in $325,000 into a Trump Super PAC.
       But then, there's also the not so obvious corruption at play here, namely the TIMING of their arrests. They were arrested just before they were to testify before Congress in its impeachment inquiries. They weren't expected to show but one can easily imagine Trump hedging his bets they wouldn't testify because Executive Privilege wouldn't have worked in this case.

        Here's a picture of Mayor Rudy, that man of high morals, in happier days with Lev Parnas, one of the two arrested, at the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC just last month.

        Seriously? Haircuts & highlights? What's next, are we going to relitigate Clinton's haircut at LAX? (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader CC)

        Well, THIS explains Congressman Charlie McCarthy's ventriloquist act.

        “In May 2018, Parnas posted pictures on Facebook of himself and Fruman with Trump in the White House and with his son, Donald Trump Jr., in California. That was the same month their company, Global Energy Producers LLC, was credited for giving $325,000 to a campaign committee that supports Trump’s re-election.”

        So, who was Congressman-1? Asking for 350,000,000 Americans. Why, it's Pete "the other" Sessions!

        You think Barr finally pulled the trigger on these guys to ensure they wouldn't testify before Congress? You be the judge.

         “Liberals are a little better at organizing, I can tell you that. Part of it is we are just so used to being intimidated by the left that we’re afraid to speak up. Anywhere. In Utah, even. I mean, I have a MAGA hat, but I don’t dare wear it. I don’t put a bumper sticker on my car because I’m afraid it will get keyed.”
          Right wing nut job snowflakes and their preemptive victimhood status.

         The Pillsbury dough boy wouldn't say whether or not Trump ordered him to ask the Chinese to look for dirt on the Bidens, which to me is proof that he did.

         John Shimkus is a real Republican profile in courage. He proved it by defending Trump against all reason then finally pulled his support  of Trump after deciding to pull the plug on his own political career and not run for reelection.

         Well, well, looks as if someone at Douche Bank's been using the shredding room.

        Making America (Well, its 1%) Great Again by borrowing over $2.5 trillion over the last two years to pay for ruinous tax cuts for those least deserving or needy.

         Indie journalist Chris Faraone resurrects a 23 year-old commissioned report that blew the lid off the Massachusetts State Police's corruption and incompetence, one that was immediately buried. The verdict? Nothing's changed since 1996.

         So, not only has Mizz Lindsey been bagged for being pranked by two of Putin's stooges, he was also caught talking out of both sides of his mouth.

       Pompous Maximus' top advisor resigned yesterday. The ship of State is listing hard on its starboard side.

        A little old for the always topical internet but still worth passing along for those who haven't seen this.

         "Prince, a native of Minneapolis, died in 2016."
        So did Democracy, civility and any lingering pretense to which the United States had clung of remaining part of the First World.

         This is disgusting. They're essentially penalizing her for not dying quickly enough. And this is with the NHS. Imagine what a nightmare this would be for her if the Tories, God forbid, succeed in privatizing it?

         You have no idea how glad I am that racist bureaucrat Harry Anslinger is dead. Never heard of him? Read what he did to Billie Holiday in her final days. He essentially had her killed.

       At least 174 Kurds have died since we've abandoned them in what the terrorist Turks have called... Operation Peace Spring?!

        "The Levies then recruited an additional 11,000 men, mostly Assyrians, but also some Kurds and Yezidi."
         Wasn't some idiot asking recently where the Kurds were in WWII?

         Shocking, I know. I hope you were sitting down.

        There's no reasoning with these right wing assholes. Not so long ago, we used to institutionalize people like this.

        This is one of the most dead-on appraisals I've ever read of Obama's milksop presidency.

          Great moments in signage. This is an actual nightclub owned by one of Giuliani's Russian thug clients who were arrested at Dulles Wednesday. Another outfit is named Fraud Guarantee. Nice plausible deniability there, comrades.

        You may know that former Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch is testifying on the Hill today. This is one of her revelations- That she was ousted because she was an obstacle to the corruption of Rudy's thug clients.

       So, in Yovanovitch's opening statement, she said that Giuliani's thug clients, the now-incarcerated Lev Parnas & Igor Fruman, lobbied their shyster to have her removed when she stood between them and Ukraine's feeding trough. Said shyster then lobbies the so-called president to have her ousted, which he happily does. Any pretense that Giuliani has to being Trump's "private lawyer" with no connection to the government should be shot down after these revelations. He's getting career diplomats with impeccable reputations fired without just cause at the behest of his soon to be convicted felon clients.

          Roll over, Michael Cohen. You're about to have company. The really delicious part of this is that it's a joint investigation by the FBI's NY field office and the SDNY that Giuliani once headed.

          So, Trump's not just Alex Jones in a toga, he's also a spammer.

          We're now sending over 1000 troops to Saudi Arabia. Isn't this the asshole who said he wanted to stop "ridiculous endless wars"? And finally...

         Our own military officers are "repulsed" by their so-called Commander in Chief for his betrayal of the Kurds. Their fighting force is made up of over one third women.


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