Saturday, October 5, 2019

Gotham City Digest

(Where we believe the American public is more educable than that.)

     Watch the Dow Jones Average in this Youtube video crater in real time as he talks. It's hilarious. The more he talks, the more and more the Dow loses.

     Angus King says the Ukraine transcript is missing 20 minutes. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the actual number was 18½ minutes?

      Baptism only counts if done by a minister, you redneck dipshits.

      This vandalism wasn't even provoked. Can you imagine what's going to happen when we finally expel Trump from office? If we succeed in throwing him in prison?

      This rescued kitty story is the sweetest one you'll read all day if not all month.

      Check out this picture of the Milky Way over Yellowstone.

      Says the dollar store Isaac Hayes.

      Satire but, yeah, I can see the Trump spawn doing this.

      This is truly horrible news. 56 is way too young to go. RIP Kim Shattuck.

      Another reason to hate this bald-headed cunt Jeff fucking Bezos.

     White House reporters go nuts searching for vermin and for once it's not Trump or Stephanie Grisham.

       Oh, so now it's OK to enlist foreign help in a US election, after all? The GOP is now officially a 5th column. There is simply no other way describe it.

       Congrats on 70 years of oppressive, human rights-abusing Commie rule. I suppose September 11th, 2021, he'll congratulate New York on its 20th anniversary.

        And the poor lion's like, "WTF?! What fresh Hell is this?"

        A drop here, a few drops there and it starts to add up to a real transfusion.

        In other words, "Please impeach me, let me go..."

      So last Thursday, Mr. Kellyanne Conway dropped this 11,337 word bomb on Trump's double-woven head.

       OK, why was Giuliani visiting jailbird Paul Manafort?

       Bayonets at the border?! Trump really, REALLY hates brown people.

      Shorter McCarthy to Pelosi: Don't try to impeach Trump until they've had time to shred all the incriminating documents.

       Jordan: "Partisan Democrats, yada yada, Adam Schiff, yada yada..."
      Reporter: "Congressman, what do you have to say about Trump on the South Lawn calling for China and Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden?"
       Jordan: "We're done here."

       This shouldn't surprise anyone even if they voted for this right wing scumbag. There isn't a single working government program that Republicans aren't drooling to privatize (Remember when Bush wanted to put your Social Security on Wall Street?). Currently, Medicare has an operating expense budget of 3%. That means only three cents out of every dollar we kick in to Medicare gets used for operating expenses. You let predatory for-profit HMOs sink their claws into Medicare, watch that 3% operating expense get turned into a bloated 50% or more. Expect to get soaked more for Medicare and getting fewer and inferior services.

      I usually don't link to right wing sewers like the Daily Wire, whoever the fuck they are. But this is an example of the kind of fake "news" you can expect from the right wing for the time being. This shit stain of a site doesn't even rise to the level of a B list blog. It's more like a conspiracy theory site and they proved it by getting the top hit on the keywords "start eating babies" on Google. Note how breathlessly the "author" tries to tie this woman to AOC, even mentioning that the woman had an accent. It doesn't matter if the woman lives in her district in NY-14 or even if she voted for her. It's just enough for the right wing that she showed up at one of AOC's Town Halls and spouted this nonsense (the so-called author of this "article" also threw an elbow at Greta Thunberg just so there's no mistake).
      So be careful what Google allows you to see. Try another search engine because if you're not careful, you'll likely get sent directly to a site maintained by a guy who went to the JOKER premier and silently fantasized about shooting up the audience.
       And, as sure as shit attract flies,  this was a right wing stunt courtesy of LaRouche PAC. This is what happens when you have nothing but dirty tricks.

     They hate Greta Thunberg because she's relevant and, more importantly, right about climate change. And her critics are neither.

      Of course they are. That's because these losers aren't distracted by jobs and, you know, actual lives. I can't wait until these woodland trolls run up against the National Guard, Army and Marines if they perceive "getting the call" from Generalissimo Douchebag and deploy from their trailers, meth labs and tents.

        Hilarious stuff.

        Have you ever noticed how half of all boxing photos look like gay weddings?

        This long article about Jamal Khashoggi's murder a year ago is perhaps the best one written, yet.

        What Business Insider didn't mention is that the compounds from which this was done, the ones that Obama seized, are the same ones Trump wants to give back to Putin.

         I predict this will be a big seller in the months to come.

        #somuchwinning Trump's tariffs put a company out of business in Louisiana and the furtive executive scum abruptly locked the gates and threw 376 people out of work with no warning. This is what happens when you vote for Republicans, people. When the fuck will it sink in?

        Meanwhile, as Ukrainegate was exploding, Republican scumbags did THIS with little notice from the press.

         In other words, to quote Paine, "Debating with one who has renounced the use of reason is like trying to administer medicine to a dead man." There are two things Republicans will never admit- Facts that embarrass their party and that their opposition to those facts is based on nothing more or less than hidebound partisanship, which is the stupidest reason for taking one side or the other.

         Kurt Volker did a document dump that essentially proves the military aid to Ukraine was held up until they helped with "a political campaign."

          Frum is right for once. Trump would have no Gerry Ford, only a corrupt accomplice: Pence.

          Apparently, Trump wants to be president until he's 90 just to, you know, trigger the Left.

         Remember exactly eight years ago when Occupy Wall Street was starting to wind down but had gone national? Remember when Bloomberg's NYPD desperately dug up some ancient bylaw from the 1840's that banned masks (despite it never being enforced on Halloween and New Year's or any other time of the year) because they were confounding biometric software?
         Looks as if the human rights-abusing Red Chinese took a cue from Bloomberg and his fascist blueshirts.

          You got one of my guys to thank for this.

          The CIA's own top counsel filed a "criminal referral" on the whistleblower report weeks before it was even made public. She wouldn't have done this unless she was reasonably sure a crime had been committed by the White House. And that begs the question of why the DOJ refused to investigate Trump's obvious, palpable crime.

          Oh, we're more serious than a heart attack, asshole.

         Retired Secret Service dog gets award for defending the Obama family. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump tried to take it away from him. I'd love to see him try. He'd pull back a bloody stump.

        A fake, hand-drawn White House logo? Really, Rudy? Nothing these right wing assclowns do surprises or shocks me, any more. But they often make me laugh out loud.

         Do it. Please do it.

        Despite getting a massive tax break a few years ago, this lazy-eyed psychopath just cut health care benefits for parttime workers at Whole Foods. Earlier, he'd cut retirement benefits at the WaPo. Everything Jeff fucking Bezos touches turns to dog shit.

         Great article on Trump and his malignant influence by playwright Bill Davis.

         Now Mick Mulvaney's been subpoenaed. The Democrats have essentially subpoenaed the entire Executive Branch and it's only been a week. This is just the beginning, motherfuckers.

         One of the contents of MBS's pocket tapped to head up impeachment fight.

       You watch- The next scandal that'll come out is that Trump dangled lifting the crippling tariffs on China, who's coming here soon for trade talks, if they investigated the Bidens. I'm all but convinced Trump is manufacturing leverage on other countries that he can use against them until they comply. The illogical tariffs are part of that leverage.

          Note that Republicans are screaming for the release of the full transcript of Volker's deposition yesterday and not the release of the full transcripts of the July 25th phone call or the whistleblower report upon which Bill Barr has planted his fat ass.

         Of course he was "obsequious and fawning" with Putin. He was angling for a good performance review.

         Why two senior members of Ill Douche's Cabinet are going on a global Magical Mystery Tour to throw the 2020 election.

         I almost forgot to mention that Rick Perry is also scuttling away from the government like a crab trying to escape a boiling pot. Does it surprise anyone that Trump used about half his Cabinet to strongarm Zelensky for one thing or another?

         This came out almost exactly seven years ago but, if anything, it's even more true now than ever. Look at the economy under Obama and now at the cratered mess Trump is turning it into. Under Obama, Clinton, the economy boomed. Under both Bushes, Reagan, Trump? It's great for the 1%, lousy for the poor and middle class. You vote Republican, you vote against your interests if you're not in the 1%. How fucking difficult is that to understand?

          You don't have to be a legal genius to see that disbarring Giuliani is a necessary deterrent to future attorneys who throw in their lot with corrupt politicians of either party. And finally...

          Donald Trump is so shockingly, stupendously and astoundingly corrupt that the last time we impeached a public official over collusion with a foreign power was in 1797.


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