Monday, September 30, 2019

Gotham City Digest: Civil War edition

(Where we vow to always send dispaches daily from the front lines.)

     We seriously need to get rid of this asshole before he gets more people killed. Even Saddam had more dignity in his final days and he was found in a spider hole.

     From the, "But, Boss, it looked great on paper!" files.

     “I’m the real whistleblower. If I get killed now, you won’t get the rest of the story.” So starts the most comical attempt ever to defuse a political scandal. (P.S. The real whistleblower is Donald Trump, according to dead-eyed psychopath Stephen Miller. We have the real whistleblower, Giuliani's the whistleblower, Trump's the whistleblower. WTF is this, the right wing SPARTACUS?!)

     “It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons — when this is over, I will be the hero. I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government. Anything I did should be praised.” Mayor Rudy to the Atlantic.
     So, in other words, no attorney-client confidentiality will be invoked. That should nicely streamline the impeachment process.

     So, thanks to Mayor 9/11, we now know the State Department was just as involved in the Ukrainian collusion as the WH & DOJ. For God's sake, MSM, keep this wonderful man on TV.

       Does anyone else think John dropped Meghan on her head when she was an infant? She said she'd rather see DINO Joe Manchin in charge of the House impeachment process. Manchin's a senator.

       Something else to squeeze into the Ukrainegate timeline...

       Because, you know, Giuliani is absolutely obsessed with maintaining good optics.

      Geraldo said that he'd love to beat up the CIA whistleblower. Challenge accepted. And here are the preliminary results, folks. You know, I remember a time when Geraldo was himself a snitch. In fact, he got his ass kicked out of Iraq for giving up American troop movements there. I trust Geraldo will beat himself up for that, too.

       Remember when Godfather Trump tried to put the arm on Zelensky?
       Now Wayne LaPierre's giving Donnie Oranges a taste of his own medicine.
      This means that Trump will dictate gun control legislation for his own personal benefit. Great, another log to add to the already blazing bonfire!

       From that fine bastion of representative democracy and enfranchisement, North Carolina...

      Joe Wilson was probably the only man in political history to become an American hero after writing a single op-ed. RIP, Joe.

      Are Trump and his cohorts guilty of any of these four crimes? That's really up to the courts to decide. But one of the beauties of the impeachment process is that Congress doesn't need to find evidence of an actual crime.

       Every time Trump tweets, the nation loses brain cells and gets a liddle' more stupid.

       Mike Pompeo just hit the trifecta. And the hits just keep on comin'...!

      What kind of loser does something like this?

      This is one of the best articles I've read thus far about Ukrainegate.

     Even right wing support for impeachment edged up 5 points. Democratic support for it skyrocketed nearly 20 points and support for impeachment proceedings among my fellow Independents doubled. Support for impeachment shot up 12 points, overall.

       How Corrupt Is Bill Barr? Michelle Goldberg counts the ways.

      This a good rundown of some of the lies Trump has told about Ukrainegate. If you're as observant as I am, you'll know this is hardly an exhaustive list.

      Yeah, write the report, anyway, and fuck Trump and Pruitt.

      McConnell's own wall is crumbling. After last summer's legislative embargo, he's allowing bills to come up for vote and this one just passed two days ago. Maybe now we can give the military back the $6 billion that Trump stole from it.

      "There was no consideration for the AG to formally recuse himself from the matter, the official said, and no consideration of the appointment of a special counsel." -ABC NEWS
      Despite the fact the AG was mentioned in the whistleblower complaint as being involved as well as in the phone call itself in which Trump promised the aforementioned AG would call that foreign head of state regarding a potential investigation of one of his major political opponents.
      Nuttin' to see here, folks, move along.

      Republicans aren't riding Trump's coattails- They're pulling on them and trying to keep him from taking them down with him over the cliff.

      So, this actually happened four days ago between Tom Hoe-Man, Trump's former Acting ICE Director and Stalag Oberfuhrer. Listen to what he tells Chairwoman Jayapal at the end.

       “You know, Joy, I think we need to do one of those old Department of Homeland Security color-coded scales and at the bottom is a furrowed brow, and then there’s ‘I haven’t read it,’ and then there’s ‘deeply concerned,’ and then there’s ‘I can’t go to press conferences or do town hall meetings,’ and then there’s ‘Can I get in the witness protection program?'”
       For a right winger, I have to have to admit Rick Wilson's a pretty funny bastard.

      This cherry picking of the 2nd Amendment and rationales for owning assault rifles has been a silly one for decades, but this assclown Ken Buck just came up with the silliest: We need AR 15's to defend ourselves and our agriculture against foxes and raccoons.
      Agriculture? This is coming from a guy belonging to a party that regularly fucks over farmers, destroys crops with pesticide spraying and Monsanto Frankenfood seeds and allows oil and coal companies to dump toxic waste into the ecosystem. So please spare me your concern-trolling about "agriculture."

      Every time someone raises the spectre of investigating Trump, he does this. Every. Fucking. Time. In short, "Oh my God. This is the end of my presidency, I'm fucked." A mature, rational, calculated reaction anyone would expect of an innocent man.

      Let me add an addendum, Grey Lady: "But first, we passed off the kid's scoop as our own without giving him any attribution so now instead of owning up to it, here's our scoop on his scoop that beat us by an hour."
       You're welcome.

      “That’s not just a classified system, not just a secret codeword system, that is an area where you keep the most sensitive, the absolutely most sensitive information that the US government has, including our covert action programs. It’s a standalone system. It’s a way to ensure that there’s going to be highly, highly restricted access to that. It’s not connected to the rest of the White House complex. It is an enclave. And if it was moved into that, and it was not classified, it clearly was being done for another purpose, which was to try to prevent it from being discovered or seen by other individuals. So, I think that is a very, very worrisome development.” -Former CIA Director John Brennan.

      Meme intermission:

       It ought to be brought up and brought home as often as necessary that the chain of command and protocols were rigorously adhered to and hit a bottleneck only when the whistleblower complaint hit Barr's Justice Department.

     Here we go again with the fucking emails. "This has nothing to do with who's in the White House."
      Riiiiight. More deflection and distraction. This has Trump's grubby fingerprints all over it. One more time, morons- Hillary's not running.

      Does anyone else think that Elon Musk's rocket ship looks like a giant Pillsbury biscuit roll with fins? Seriously, this looks like something out of an old Roger Corman movie. This is the same guy who couldn't get a soccer team out of a cave because his mini sub wouldn't work but he's going to get us to Mars?

       She broke four toddlers' legs in a single day. Why are they so lenient with this psychopath?

     So, Donnie Dumbo's rally monkeys are fanning out across the Sunday morning talking head landscape and doing all the talking and not letting the hosts challenge them and flinging their turds at Joe and Hunter Biden. This is just one of those shows.

       I hate motorcycles but I would've loved to have met Bessie.

       So, now he's calling for the arrest of a Jew for treason. Where have we heard this before?

     Bullshit. We release them or WHAT? I've never seen two world leaders who were so transparently paranoid about incriminating evidence coming out. Trump's like a drunk driver who refuses to pop open his trunk after getting pulled over by a cop. See how far that would fly in the real world.

      The mere fact that none of the families have been contacted and that MOC had to insert wording into bills protecting cemeteries from Trump's land grab for this hateful wall shows how casually sadistic this administration is.

     It looks as if England has the same problem as we do in the States- nationalist bigotry and xenophobia that can be directly traced to socially toxic right wing policies. And whether or not these policy-makers realize this, polices of any sort historically have made for very poor templates for social engineering. Nonetheless, small-minded people latch onto these policies as if it gives them carte blanche to carry out atrocities against innocent people just looking for and holding down a job even when they were invited to by recently prior governments.

       It's so comforting knowing that we have as our "president" the kind of guy who used to crank out conspiracy theory newsletters for a dozen subscribers on a mimeograph machine in a basement.

       Your handy-dandy scorecard for impeachment. And finally...

       Andy strikes again.


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