Pottersville Digest
Screaming at a snow plow? What's next, shaking fists at clouds? What is with these Republican psychopaths? Why are they so angry all the time?
I know this is Virginia, but it still amazes me how racist these assholes are. I wonder how many of these "ALM" people were at Charlottesville in 2017. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)
Nine people died as a result of the riots but aside from that, no, it wasn't deadly.

Well, Republicans are finally getting that red wave they've been dreaming of.
"I alone can fix it"? This shit again?
But they'll continue taking the horse paste to own the libs.
The pro life party seriously considers the death penalty for women who have abortions.
Shorter Trump: "You turned my patriots into thugs and the violence they patriotically committed is all your fault."
"Beyond that we do not comment on personnel issues that do not rise to the level of discipline.β OK, my first question is, why doesn't grabbing an eight year-old girl by the neck rise to the level of discipline?
Yeah, what's not to trust about a guy who tears up his calendars every month?
Because a guy who throws an 80 year-old lady into traffic is someone you want right back out on the streets.
But, yeah, CRT is the real bad guy here. And finally...
Nobody's immune from Ron's flameless book burning- Not even a giant like Jodi Picoult.
3K cheese and baloney.
How come the bread wasn't white?
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