Desperate Times

Update: Barb arrived about four days ago with about $40 in her pocket and a wheezy cat but both thankfully intact. Two days later, as we were unpacking her car, we'd ran into my landlord who then feigned shock and awe that I would violate the terms of my lease by moving her in without his permission. Plain point of fact, I warned him of this back on June 1st and he never mentioned any clause in my lease that would forbid me from moving in a girlfriend.
Bottom line, after treating her shabbily, he then announced he was breaking my lease and writing up a new one to justify raising my rent by $50 a month. My unemployment went down that same day because of a so-called child support arrearage. So, while we're actively job-hunting, nothing's broken for us yet and we're hardly out of the woods. If you're a fan of Pottersville and if you haven't given already, Barb and I could sure use the help until we can both get back on her feet.
I haven't been posting much lately, I know, because I've been busy getting my house in order for my fiancee's arrival. She's doing all the last minute checks and Houston Control is ready to clear her for takeoff.
But a quick check of my finances shows that her AAA membership hasn't been reinstated when we'd hoped because they've yet to deposit the check I'd sent them last week, according to my online bank statement (meaning she won't be covered during her 1355 mile trip). When they finally take out that $97, it'll leave me with insufficient funds to even pay my rent much less pay for food or any of my utilities and that's with my next unemployment check.
I know times are tough all over but my finances are so straitened right now that even the smallest donations would make a life-or-death difference. Give whatever you can but only what you can. I'm busting my ass looking for a job but with no car and at my age and employers arrogantly upping eligibility and qualifications because of the tanking job market, it hasn't been easy to say the least.
And I wouldn't be asking for your help if it didn't involve hunger, shutting off of utilities and eviction in a matter of days. So any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Even a total of $50 may make a difference. My fiancee will be broke when she arrives and will be completely dependent on me for everything until she, too, can get back on her feet. So please chip in but only if you can.
Robert I just shot you 5 bucks from Paypal. Glad to help out.
Done ... best of luck.
Hey, jurassicpork,
I sent you a donation via my credit card. Thanks for continuing blogging and hanging in there. You have been writing some really good stuff. What was it that Nietzsche said?, "I write with my blood." Good times or bad times don't last forever.
Done. Keep it up.
You ought to ask Obama for help. After all, this gang has much more compassion than those evil Republicans.
Well, I finally got a job this month so consider that $20 (from the .mac account) a transfer of job karma.
I shot you some money via PayPal. It isn't much, but I hope it helps.
Solidarity, comrade! Plus karma and all like that.
What do you do, btw? Because if you're a business analyst with knowledge of medicaid or a SQL developer, let me know.
Thx, jennie. I've done a lot in my life but being a medicaid wonk, SQL developer or business analyst were certainly not among my vocational arsenal. I was in ISO 9001 QC for a while and would love to get back into that if my writing career, for want of a better word, goes nowhere.
I don't have any money to give you. But if you come over to my house in Brighton, I'll give $100 for 5 hours of work.
Cartland: Email me, please.
Sorry for the delay, I forgot where I read this. I have no plastic, but I can throw you a link...
I am so sorry that I am unable to offer financial support. In lieu of money I can however offer some words of encouragement. You like many others in your current situation will prevail. You actually have a leg up because you had the foresight to add a donate button to your website. Many others who are truly in dire straights don't have the time nor resources to blog because they are out job hunting or had to pawn their pc so they could purchase food. I also commend your love will conquer all attitude. Because you are willing to bring your future wife into your current situation without knowing how you will provide for her, now that is true love. I know that you will be back on your feet very soon. Perhaps you just haven't looked into the right career path. You are so insightful and motivated. Have you ever considered becoming a guidance councilor or perhaps a motivational speaker? I myself constantly read your blog for those scholarly treats you spout like candy from your mental pez dispenser.
I'm sorry if my suspicions are misplaced but I'm not entirely sure that these are words of encouragement as much as a series of backhanded salutes.
looking for the paypal thingie
The right side, directly above my profile. Thank you in advance.
How much cash have you raised?
That's something I'd rather not disclose in public. Suffice it to say that, in spite of the generosity of several people, it's not quite enough to ensure even our immediate financial well-being, especially since my rent went up by $50 on Saturday, that my unemployment is getting cut any week and that I'll be responsible for paying her $100 a month car insurance starting the 21st. And I haven't even mentioned food and utilities which, for the moment, thankfully, are paid.
Now Barb and I have to hit the bricks again and go job hunting.
I don't blame you for not disclosing it....I knew a beggar that stood on the corner with a sign "Will work for food." He was nailing down $200 a day with that gig, and from the looks of him, he needed the money although that 200 a day would extrapolate into a $100,000 year job. While I'm sure your gig isn't profitable as his, you've probably made a few hundred dollars from your readers. You've given me the idea of trying this on my blog and seeing how much i could make from my readership.
I've had plenty of slumlords do that to me, too. They claim it's the law. I say bullshit. So, now we have a roomate (so that we can buy food) and he parks his car a little away from our apartment. It's not much of a walk. I had to learn the hard way. So, if you ever move, you'll know better than to tell the slumlord. It's too bad that everytime you try to be open and honest with some people, yu get punished for it.
Try cutting your internet service. Should save you a few bucks.
I don't pay for it. It's an unsecured wireless network.
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