Pottersville in Pictures: Halloween edition
Because, after all, what's scarier than Republicans on the loose?

As Herman Cain looks on, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney explain to Rick Perry that challenging his fellow candidates to a duel isn't a legitimate debating strategy.

The most light-hearted moment of the Las Vegas GOP debate was when Rick Perry regaled the audience with a story of the time he grabbed Rush Limbaugh's ass.

Despite their vastly different backgrounds in business and culture, both Herman Cain and Willard Romney have a special affinity knowing they're the two GOP candidates with the creepiest first names.

By far, the weirdest moment of the GOP debate in Las Vegas was when Governors Mitt Romney and Rick Perry began to inexplicably channel GI Joe action figures.

If Republicans pledged allegiance to what really matters most to them, their right hands would be firmly clamped over their wallets.

Revealing his desperation, Mitt Romney resorts to dirty tricks by singing the Bain Capital corporate anthem to Rick Perry in the hope of putting him to sleep.
On the heels of the Avengers movie is The Injustice League, which is led by the evil Jelly Bean Collector.
That was really funny! Thanks, JP.
Jeez, the Evil Jelly Bean collector looks rather ill. Uh.. Dead you say? Sorry.
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