Fox News At Its Finest, Part XV: Supersized Occupy Wall Street edition
"Breitbart, O'Keefe and our fair and balanced network may have put the kibosh on you, but we're still keeping an eye on you!"
Because God knows unregulated capitalism has served us so well, right, Billy?
For once I agree with BillO. All the violence is coming from police departments.
Wow, what a sensational chyron that undermines the entire Occupy movement! Shame it wasn't true.
Because, as Andrew Breitbart and other right wing lie merchants will attest, ACORN has polluted more towns and cities, curtailed more civil rights, outsourced more jobs and have killed more people than the Koch Brothers.
As Bobby Kennedy would've asked, "Why not?"
In other non-Occupy Wall Street propaganda...
Perhaps, perhaps not. But if Obama's to blame for this, you have to say he learned from the best.
OK, who's responsible for Megyn Kelly not getting the memo from Goebbells?
Forget the fact that the Inspector General later retracted that erroneous claim.
Do us all a favor: Leave the clever pseudo headlines to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, OK?
Sadly, even Fox's local affiliate here in MA isn't immune to the occasional howler:
Or another local affiliate...
You'd think that, being confined to 140 characters, they could go for that long without fucking up. Well, I'm here to refudiate that by saying you'd be misinfromed.
Because Wall Street and the Republican Party make them synonymous?
And if the Herman Cain sex scandal hasn't already proved Fox's color blindness, there's this.
Yet another map fail, this one purporting to show a Japanese nuclear power plant that's actually a nightclub. Maybe this map was drawn up by the same people who did BP's oil spill response plan.
I guess Fox can't keep up with every Tom, Dick and especially Harry in the Royal Family.
The only thing I can hope is that there are secret Democrats working at Faux Gnus putting all these, uh, er, errors up on the screen. Some of them are so blatantly obvious that it almost has to be the work of a secret Democrat... oh crap... did I give it away? Sorry, so sorry!
Painful to even glimpse @ the Faux trainwreck.
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