Sunday, November 20, 2011

Think it's any coincidence...

(Editor's note: If you could help Mrs. JP and I weather another month so we could make the rent after the holidays, we'd surely appreciate it. Doing so in any amount would certainly help keep online fine programming blogging such as this.)

...that Michael Bloomberg's thugs are forcing the #OWS protesters to wheel around their library and pet supplies in shopping carts like homeless people? It's not coincidence and it's not even ironic: It's by design. And Wall Street and city officials are probably making their fat asses jiggle with amusement that they've reduced the protesters to pushing their belongings around like bag ladies.

But when you stop and think about it, this manufactured irony just underscores what Wall Street's been doing to the 99% for decades. And what better way to convey a message and protest of world-consuming greed and arrogance than to look the part?

And Zuccotti Park and, at night, Foley Sq. are becoming a cross between war zones and protest sites in Third World countries. How much is Wall Street beginning to resemble downtown Tehran during the riots of June 2009, with unarmed people getting attacked by ebony-garbed basij thugs? How much does it look like a war zone when medics with red crosses taped to their bicycle helmets have to tend to the wounded?

And how much more like a Third World country does the richest area in the developed world have to look when people have been deprived of their only shelter, deprived of their safety and deprived of their dignity in a microcosm of what Wall Street's been doing to the bottom 99% all these years and decades?

And like Ahmadinejad's thugs after Iran's "elections" 2 1/2 years ago, the NYPD and Bloomberg's office and police departments literally from coast to coast are nakedly making up the rules as they go along. Now in NYC, you can be arrested for driving without your headlights and wipers on, especially if you're caught driving a wikileaks truck rumored to be carrying blankets. No search warrant? No problem! We'll just confiscate the whole fucking truck!

They want to deprive OWS of shelter, of literature, they want to reduces us all to the level of transients just blocks away from their offices? Fine. We'll be glad to play the part. And let the entire world take notice.

(Addendum: If someone would be so kind as to tell me who linked to me, I'd appreciate it. But someone linked to this post and I'd like to know who.)


At November 20, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Blogger Dieter von Monkeyspank said...

Yeah, to the 1st post post. But its the supposed "Liberal" media that has fallen of the planet.
There has been such non-reporting of OWS its amazing.
The "Tri-Corn" hatters had wall to wall coverage. And, where supporting the "Watering of the Tree of Liberty" with blood, when necessary.
Those fools even where armed, marching around, itching for a DFH to confront.
Can you imagine OWS folk carrying Arms?
Death Sentence.
I would like to try it as a experiment.
You know. just standing around with my Ak-47, watching th e daily life of OWS/Where-ever.
The Media "Shit-Storm" would Apocalyptic.
Linked to AZ., I'm sure. And SWAT Teamed, I'm SURE.

At November 21, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Anonymous Grumpy doomster said...

I too despair of more than 50% of the 99% ever "getting it." I talk with friends who have been screwed by the system, who have lost jobs or money in the slo-mo collapse, whose futures are steadily degrading. They just CAN'T understand the economics behind it.

Remember a few years ago when there was a media furor over a Barbie doll that uttered recorded sayings, one of which was "Math is hard"? Oooh, that was so sexist! Well, many of the Amerkin sheople are like that moronic Barbie-saying, only for them, it's economics that are hard. And they don't want to put any effort into figuring it out, even as their lives are being eroded.

I have ceased to give two shits about these people. I'm doing what I can to get ready for the big bad changes to come, not that it's possible to fully prepare for something that's going to be beyond comprehension. But at least it won't take me completely by surprise. The dumb fuckers, they'll be gobsmacked. Many will commit suicide or die by other means. The way I see it, the more of them that fall by the wayside, the clearer it leaves the field for me. Not that I wish anyone ill, and I still try to enlighten those who want to know (as I also try to learn from those who know more than me.) But I've detached from worrying about the morons.

Good luck to them, even though they'll never read this. They're going to need a lot of luck. But like Ty Cobb said, "I make my own luck."


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