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Spring has sprung, meaning Republicans will be flocking to their respective campaign trails redefining March Madness.
Republican Wisconsin Rep. Don Pridemore and Republican state Senator Glenn Grothman have an ingenious solution to domestic abuse that actually consists of something more than "just close your eyes:" Says Yahoo News,
In Wisconsin -- yes, the same state where lawmakers have introduced a bill penalizing single mothers for being unmarried -- a Republican state representative has come out against divorce for any reason -- even domestic abuse.
Instead of leaving an abusive situation, women should try to remember the things they love about their husbands, Representative Don Pridemore said. "If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help," he told a local news station.
Let's not continue to criminalize domestic abuse on the part of husbands, ladies, let's, instead, focus on their more positive aspects. After all, plenty of battered women are quick to respond to criticism with, "Shut up! You don't know him like I do! I see a side of him that you don't!"
So, unless Goebbels and Himmler were their fathers, what's Grothman's and Pridemore's excuse for being walking brain stems?
Trying to burnish his creds at the wrong exact moment considering what happened in Florida last month, Rick Santorum was at a gun range in Louisiana. At some point, you can hear a woman say as he took aim at a target, "Pretend it's Obama."
I'd prefer to pretend it's a firing squad aimed at Bush and Cheney's black little hearts but, hey, that's just me.
Geraldo Rivera recently made headlines by saying on on Fox that Trayvon Martin brought on his own shooting death because he wore a hoodie. What's wrong with that argument?

I give you Exhibit #1, your honor...
There was a puppet show in Britain, 'Spitting Image' that aired a few episodes here. One scene was the Hard News Cafe, where journalists went to relax. The running gag was Geraldo Rivera kept getting thrown out, no matter what disguise he had on.
America tried to make a version, but it was a typical dumbed down, no-politics political show and obviously couldn't last once they cut out everything that was funny ("controversial").
Hey, Comrade, finish your gin at the Victory Cafe and check your email.
Cheney's black little hearts
Are you telling me that Snarlin' Dick got his heart transplant from an African-American donor? How did you find out before anyone else?
I thought he woulda had one of his people go over to a Fascist Chinese prison where they keep to-be-executed-on-demand prisoners for organ harvesting, like the tanks of live fish you see swimming around at Chinese restaurants, and personally picked out one with Cheney's serotype. "Yeah, I like the looks of that one. Kill him now and cut the heart out while it's still beating. I want to watch so I can be sure there's no switcheroo. Gimme one of those little white takeaway boxes with metal carrying handles that I can bring it home in."
Fcking Cheney. Some other person on a transplant waiting list will die so that that rat bastard gets to suck up taxpayer dollars for a few more years...
I don't know what you're referencing, Bukko, but I haven't even written about this yet except on Twitter and Facebook.
It's a joke, son. Saw the Dicknews, pulled a bit of verbiage out of this post and made a funny out of it, that's all.
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