Your Daily Hypocrisy

So there Obama stood behind the podium at a place named after a massive corporation, at "a peoples' convention" entirely underwritten by other massive corporations, on the heels of his Super PAC proudly announcing it had just raised $10,000,000 the previous month, railing about, “the people with the $10 million checks who are trying to buy this election.”
Really, now?
Considering this guy's neverending cocksuckery of the well-monied elite, I'm actually a little surprised he didn't hold the convention at Rich Richman's gated mansion in Connecticut.
And during that same nomination acceptance speech before many other well-monied elitists, Obama spoke to the proletariat out of one side of his mouth while addressing Wall Street from the other side. He also had the nerve to tout his human rights record, particularly in Libya (He never really explained what we were doing there with our NATO fig leaf, by the way) just days after a Libyan detainee charged the CIA with torturing him and right after it was reported his DOJ was not pursuing war crimes charges against the Bush administration.
So, to all you liberals who keep responding, "I wish!" to Republican charges of Socialism and Communism, here's a chance to put your money where your big mouths are and to honestly and thoroughly read this World Socialist Web Site article on Obama's acceptance speech. Given his flip-flopping on every conceivable subject, there's no telling what Romney would do if he got in the WH. It may prove to be a centrist, right wing administration just like his mercifully brief governorship here in MA.
Obama made it plain to anyone who was actually fucking listening what he's planning on doing when he gets re-elected, which makes him infinitely more dangerous.
Holder is a worse AG than Gonzales.
Having just heard about this (via The Sideshow) I thought I would blogwhore my own 10 reasons why Obama does not deserve your vote. (Video version starts at about 17:40 here.
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