Gotham City Digest
Where all the news is fit to print and uniforms fit the fat.
Remember back when he was running for Senate, Rand Paul said he would've liked to repeal the Civil Rights Act because it impinged on the rights of business owners? Well, after Sarah Sanders got her fat Kentucky Fried Chicken-eating ass tossed out of the Red Hen, she decided to use her Press Secretary's standing to punch down and whine about her ejection. Then today, Chancellor Trump tweeted much the same thing from the bunker and called the Red Hen "filthy". That's right. The so-called President of the United States is using his bully pulpit to insult and discourage business from a restaurant that is, in the owner's own words, "the size of most peoples' apartments." Of course, Donnie Dumbo in his ongoing progressive dementia forgot about that little kerfuffle that happened less than six years ago when the DJT Steak House in Vegas was closed down because of 51 health violations. Oh yeah and Mar-a-Lago's own 78 health code violations over the last three years.
Well, "the greatest jobs president God's ever seen" just cost 60 people in Missouri their jobs in the biggest nail producing company in America. This, of course, is due to Trump's insane trade war on virtually the entire planet earth. But wait, it gets worse. The company itself may be out of business, ironically, by Labor Day. Way to go, Double Weave. #somuchwinning
Another bigoted Trump dittohead heard from. God I hate these racists that Trump's bringing out of the woodwork. Not only is this old biddy channeling Donald Trump, she's still regurgitating his old talking points from June 2015, namely that Mexicans are "rapists, criminals and animals." Try to keep up, grannie. There are lots of fresh alternative facts and right wing talking points to catch up on.
You may want to sit down for this one, because it'll come as a shock. You ready? Headline: "Private prison company moves annual conference to Trump-owned golf resort." I know it's a terrible shock. Let me know if you want me to call a paramedic. The company in question is Geo, one of the two biggest for-profit prison corporations on the planet. Coincidentally, they've also contracted with Trump's government to build more detention centers to the tune of tens of millions of your taxpayer dollars. That would be child detention centers, in case you were wondering.
Donald Trump has said a lot of frightening things since he started pretending to be the president. But get a load of this. This bullshit about doing away with due process is coming from the same piece of shit who lets Russian anchor babies be born on Trump-owned properties.
This douchebag is completely unmoored from reality at this point. #1, he didn't "gut" ObamaCare BECAUSE of McCain. And #2, even if he had, why would he brag about stealing health care from tens of millions of people? But to take pot shots at a sick, dying old man... Seriously, folks, I never thought I'd live to see the level of discourse get this low.
While Russian oligarch wives are giving birth in luxury in Miami with the blessings of Comrade Trump, this is going on near the northern border: Border Patrol agents are stopping people in Maine and New Hampshire and demanding to see their papers and asking about their citizenship status before they board buses. What does that remind you of?
Yeah, that's it.
Maybe it's time to suspend Godwin's Law. And finally...
Now you know why they called the cops on a US Senator and turned away a Congresswoman on Father's Day and several big city mayors. This is what the fascists in our government are hiding.
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