Pottersville Digest
You're damned right the jury got it wrong.
"Participation in the movement will be on a voluntary basis." Until it isn't. Remember, the Hitler Youth were pushed to the front lines to defend Berlin in the spring of 1945.
These arrogant motherfuckers aren't even trying to hide their fascist Dominionism, any more.
So, God needs explosives? Doesn't He have, like, thunderbolts for that kind of thing, Kandiss?
I never thought until last year that the book stacks would be the new front on the war against terrorism yet here we are.
This helps to explain the conspiracy of silence behind this clusterfuck. Last month on Lawrence O'Donnell's show, it was revealed the cops were afraid to enter the classrooms because they feared getting shot by an AR-15.
Kick that "sick son of a bitch" out.
I never knew Greitens was a liberal Republican. WTF happened to him?
Uh huh. And we're still paying nearly $5 for a gallon of gas... Why?!
That's not going to get her to the buffet table at Mar a Lago.
There are two times in which attorney/client privilege is automatically waived: When one or both parties act in furtherance of a crime and when you get a third party or more involved.
“This nation wasn’t founded on civility, this nation was founded on revolutionary activity. We became civil after the government realized that they got overwhelmed.”
Then they gave this asshole a plea deal.
They're deflecting because they know Daddy and Sonny are both pro-Trump right wingers.
Matt Gaetz (R-Mann Act) is so thoroughly boned and not in an underage girl kinda way, either.
So, the aptly-named Crimo is different from Kyle Rittenhouse... how? Take your time. I've got all day.
Your Karen o' the day. And finally...
So, let me get this straight- The Boston Police were too afraid to do their jobs because they feared getting "overwhelmed"? Maybe they should move to Uvalde so their wet-legged cowardice will fit right in.
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