Michael Collins: The Susan Lindauer Interview.

Collins: Ultimately, did Libya or Iraq provide any intelligence regarding the attack?
Lindauer: No, they did not. After the attack, it became clear that neither country could have been party to the conspiracy. Gadhaffi and bin Laden hated each other. Back in 1995, Libya was the first country in the world to warn Interpol about Osama, and urge an international warrant for his arrest. Saddam's government hated him, too. Baghdad considered Osama's extreme brand of Sunni fundamentalism to pose a serious destabilizing threat to Iraq 's moderate Sunni elite. Osama was a wrecking ball to Arab governments. They all despised him.
In fact, we pushed Iraq so hard for intelligence in the months before 9/11 that afterwards Iraqi diplomats aggressively challenged our U.S. claims of ignorance. A couple of diplomats put it to me bluntly: "Obviously you knew it was coming, because you kept telling us about it. So why didn't you stop it? Why didn't you do something before this, instead of blaming us now. You should be blaming yourselves."
Lindauer's talking. Collins is listening. If you read only one thing tonight, read this lengthy extract of an interview conducted by Michael Collins, the first one to which Lindauer has consented since the government dropped all charges against her five days before Bush left office.
It'll blow your mind. You want to know who really masterminded Lockerbie? Click the link. You want to know what the connection was between Lockerbie and September 11th? Click the link. And, as the above extract reveals, Lindauer further strengthens the case that Iraq had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, even to the point of having no prior knowledge.
C'mon, why are you still reading me? Click on the link. We've ignored this lady long enough.
Ah, the events of 9-11. More questions than answers. Of course, once you start pointing fingers, the gloves come off (depending on who you're pointing your finger at).
I've reached my own conclusions on what happened that day, and I decided to keep them to myself.
We'll see how many news organizations are willing to run with her story.
Interesting Reading.
The only thing I'd like to bring up is... Condi Rice stated on numerous occasions... "We had no idea".....
Someone certainly did. Rushdie has acknowledged that he was forewarned not to board a plane that day.
Having said that,ya think the search for Bin Laden will be ongoing indefinitely yielding no results?
This is incredible - everybody should read hear this woman's testimony. Is there any possibility of an interview with Congress or a special prosecutor or anything?
Oh,and let's not forget the anthrax attacks....The lack of commenting on this particular entry is peculiar,no?
jurassicpork, You were one of the key bloggers who covered the Lindauer case early on. She credits you and others with holding the feds at bay preventing the full force of Bush-Cheney crimes against her.
This interview shows just part of what the feds wanted to keep out of court. She asked for a trial. If they were so confident, they should have given her one. The absence of a trial, entirely due to federal delays and claims of incompetence, tells me something very important. They didn't have a case.
Great views. Your optimism is infectious ;)
Optimism, huh? My SO broke up with me and it throwing me out of the house partly because of my "extreme negativity."
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