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Assclowns of the Week
Links to the first 33 Assclowns of the Week.
Links to Assclowns of the Week 38-63.
#106: The Turkey Has Landed edition
#105: Blame it on Paris or Putin edition
#104: Make Racism Great Again Also Labor Day edition
#103: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Toilet edition
#102: Orange is the New Fat edition
#101: Electoral College Dropouts edition
#100: Centennial of Silliness edition
#99: Dr. Strangehate edition
#98: Get Bentghazi edition
#97: SNAPping Your Fingers at the Poor edition
#96: Treat or Treat, Kiss My Ass edition
#95: Monumental Stupidity double-sized edition
#94: House of 'Tards edition
#93: You Da Bomb! edition.
#92: Akin to a Fool edition.
#91: Aurora Moronealis edition.
#90: Keep Your Gubmint Hands Off My High Pre'mums and Deductibles! edition.
#89: Occupy the Catbird Seat/Thanksgiving edition.
#88: Heil Hitler edition.
#87: Let Sleeping Elephants Lie edition.
#86: the Maniacs edition.
#85: The Top 50 Assclowns of 2010 edition.
#(19)84: Midterm Madness edition.
#83: Spill, Baby, Spill! edition.
#82: Leave Corporations Alone, They’re People! edition.
#81: Hatin' on Haiti edition.
#80: Don't Get Your Panties in a Twist edition.
#79: Top 50 Assclowns of 2009 edition.
#78: Nattering Nabobs of Negativism edition.
#77: ...And Justice For Once edition.
#76: Reading Tea Leaves/Labor Day edition.
#75: Diamond Jubilee/Inaugural Edition
#74: Dropping the Crystal Ball Edition
#73: The Twelve Assclowns of Christmas Edition
#72: Trick or Treat Election Day Edition
#71: Grand Theft Autocrats Edition
#70: Soulless Corporations and the Politicians Who Love Them Edition
Empire Of The Senseless. Conservative Values for an Unsaved World.
Esquire's Charles Pierce.
Brilliant @ Breakfast.
The Burning Platform.
The Rant.
Mock, Paper, Scissors.
James Petras.
Towle Road.
Avedon's Sideshow (the new site).
At Largely, Larisa Alexandrovna's place.
The Daily Howler.
The DCist.
Greg Palast.
Jon Swift. RIP, Al.
God is For Suckers.
The Rude Pundit.
William Grigg, a great find.
Brad Blog.
Down With Tyranny!, Howie Klein's blog.
Wayne's World. Party time! Excellent!
Busted Knuckles, aka Ornery Bastard.
Mills River Progressive.
Right Wing Watch.
Earthbond Misfit.
Echidne of the Snakes.
They Gave Us a Republic.
The Gawker.
Outtake Online, Emmy-winner Charlotte Robinson's site.
Skippy, the Bush Kangaroo
No More Mr. Nice Blog.
Head On Radio Network, Bob Kincaid.
Spocko's Brain.
WTF Is It Now?
No Blood For Hubris.
Lydia Cornell, a very smart and accomplished lady.
Roger Ailes (the good one.)
The Smirking Chimp.
Hammer of the Blogs.
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.
Existentialist Cowboy.
The Progressive.
The Nation.
Mother Jones.
Vanity Fair.
Citizens For Legitimate Government.
News Finder.
Indy Media Center.
Lexis News.
Military Religious Freedom.
McClatchy Newspapers.
The New Yorker.
Bloggingheads TV, political vlogging.
Find, the next-best thing to Nexis.
Altweeklies, for the news you won't get just anywhere.
The Smirking Chimp
Don Emmerich's Peace Blog
The Peoples' Voice.
CIA World Fact Book.
IP address locator.
Tom Tomorrow's hilarious strip.
Babelfish, an instant, online translator. I love to translate Ann Coulter's site into German.
Newsmeat: Find out who's donating to whom.
Free Press
The Bone Bridge.

Most excellent comment...and dead on!
Thanks for writing about this gruesome and utterly revolting permutation of the corporate state.
America is rapidly becoming a thanatocracy, ruled by an oligarchy that murders foreigners en masse and profits from the death of the most vulnerable here at home.
The whole deal sounds like a "fuffle."
For those who don't read the link (which is from Dmitry Orlov, an ex-Soviwt who has a blog that's all about predicting the impending collapse of the US):
A fuffle is an artful fake, an artifact specifically made to fool, beguile, seduce, or intimidate people into paying for it. Ideally, the initial transaction serves as the basis of a permanent arrangement, with the victim roped into an installment plan, which keeps the payments flowing even after the fuffle itself has crumbled into a pile of dust.
These "betting on death" deals have been around for years. The old word for them was "viatical" investments. (Google the word if you want to learn more about the definition.) It used to be a one-by-one thing, bit now they're bundling and securitising them. This is a fuffle on several levels.
One os for the poor schmoes who buy the insurance policies and pay on them loyally, month after month, betting on their own mortality. The next is for the vultures who buy the "securities," thinking they're going to profit. Heh-heh, so did the people who bought mortgage-backed securities. That blew up in plenty of peoples' faces, didn't it? And when this does the same, the suckers who fell for the fuffle securities will get the burning they richly deserve, for expecting to make money from death.
The only people who actually do well from this crap are the shyster middlemen who organise the schemes and cream off fees from setting them up. It's all a load of flim-flam, but that's the basis of so much of the Western world's economy now. Eventually, the paper dollars they're all chasing will be meaningless pieces of paper and electrons on a glowing tube, while outside the glass offices, people scavenge for scraps to eat and try to kill anyone who looks like they might have something worth stealing.
You asked on Teh Gen'l's site why I don't comment on your blog much any more? It's not because you write less well or analyse things less cogently. It's just that I'm spending more time reading econoblogs these days. Politics seems like a sham. There's lots of back-and-forth bickering between buffoons, but it's all arguments over who took whose deck chair as the Titanic listed to port. It's all going down, and I find it most interesting to follow the hard numbers to plot the trajectory of the descent, and try to figure out the best way to deploy my parachute.
One more thing, in light of your financial situation, since I'm blog-whoring Orlov: Would you like to buy some hunger insurance?
A further refinement
The scheme presented is only maybe halfway to full evil. Let me add a refinement to try to bring it to full monty evil.
Okay, so you buy up the policies of all these geezers, but you concentrate on the ones who aren't really near death's door ill yet, because you'll get their policies really cheap. Then you invite them all on a free Caribbean cruise, and arrange to have an al Qaeda submarine torpedo the cruise ship. It goes without saying that you've insured the cruise ship as well. The only added expense I see here, is that to get the full benefit, the submarine has to surface after it sinks the cruise ship, in order to machine-gun any survivors. You may have to pay extra to get terrorists who won't have any qualms about doing that. Fortunately, recent history shows that won't be a problem with your own upper level managers.
Not only do you improve enormously on the profits you would have had to accept if you had waited meekly for nature to take its course with your victims, now you've got a fresh juicy terrorist incident to exploit. It could be like 9/11 all over again, and we saw what a huge bonanza that was for folks willing to cash in on fear and panic. You've got to think big, and killing one lousy cruise ship full of profit on the hoof is just the jumping off point.
Of course the idea has wider application. Say you're a health insurance plan, and under Obamacare you're having trouble getting rid of beneficiaries who are so unpatriotic as to get sick and generate claims. Just invite them on a Princess cruise to profitability, and pretty soon they won't be a drag on your bottom line any longer. Arrange the cruise as compassionate outreach to the sick, something like Ronald McDonald houses, and you get massive PR cred for good corporate citizenship, etc..
Well, JP, I tried. I'm looking forward to the derivatives market in cadavers, myself...
"certain Wall Street firms"
As I said in the penultimate paragraph, Goldman Sachs, for starters. The others don't want to be known, I guess, until someone opens the gates to start the stampede.
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