While Scalia Froths...
...as the Supreme Court hears oral arguments from both sides, as if the right wing actually has anything substantive to say about gay marriage, chew on this wingnuttery from the Heritage Foundation that, inexplicably, has been featured at the top of Scribd's index page.
Ah, yes. The old "while we're allegedly talking about teh gays redefining marriage, we're going to redefine marriage for everyone also too!"
The whole argument that marriage is about procreation only holds up if you don't know anything about history and/or marriage. Marriage was created to assure ownership rights (of the woman) and inheritance rights (of the offspring, if any). As best I can tell, it was royals who invented it (the poor and middle class folks didn't have enough to inherit in most cases for a marriage to be a worthwhile thing), Romans who expanded on it (improved property rights), and it wasn't until the Middle Ages that the church got into the act. In most of the Mideast and Egypt it was about who had first claim to the throne (being better than the old "who's in the palace first" method used prior to marriage). As far as it being about procreation, it was, but only to the extent that it was about the woman not having sex with other men so the Pharaoh or Citizen had some assurance that her child was his.
Sacrament? Don't make me laugh.
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