This is How Unconcerned Hillary Clinton is About Bernie
(Tip o' the tinfoil hat to faithful reader CC)
I guess we should expect some degree of propaganda not only during election years but one could argue that propaganda has been part and parcel to politics since the days of ancient Rome.
("At his last sex orgy, Paladius fornicated with a sheep instead of a boy. Is that who you want as Proconsul? Vote Severinus, a true pederast, this November!")
But astroturfing, as the phrase was coined by Nancy Pelosi years ago, has become a lucrative business and is now as much a part of politics as fellating Iowa corn dogs, pointing at people in crowds with a manic gleam in your eye and kissing germy, crying babies. As I'm sure you're all well aware, astroturfing is the act of putting out a message under the guise of grass roots organizing and activism while masking the true identity of the actual authors and financiers. And it has no place in politics any more than corporate payola. If we're going to be lied to, then by God, the American people deserve to see the jiggling puss of the person actually doing the lying!
Out of Atlanta this fine day comes the news from The Intercept's Lee Fang that the Clinton campaign has been caught astroturfing and putting out anti Bernie Sanders articles on social media and in Op Ed pages. Here's how Fang begins his column:
A few days before the Georgia primary, influential Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed published a column on praising Hillary Clinton and ripping her opponent, Bernie Sanders. Reed attacked Sanders as being out of step with Democrats on gun policy, and accused him of elevating a “one-issue platform” that ignores the plight of the “single mother riding two buses to her second job.”Fang then contacted the Mayor's Communications Director, who made it real easy for Fang to get to the truth by frankly admitting Mayor Reed, "provided verbal edits and feedback to Tharon, but other than that, no one from my office or the mayor’s office wrote this op-ed."
But emails released from Reed’s office indicate that the column, which pilloried Sanders as out of touch with the poor, was primarily written by a corporate lobbyist, and was edited by Correct the Record, one of several pro-Clinton Super PACs.
And CNN, true to form with the lazy, corporate mainstream media, ran the article on its website without any fact-checking or confirming the true authorship of this hit piece on Bernie Sanders.
That's right. Clinton is paying corporate lobbyists to run smear pieces on Bernie Sanders while bleating like a stuck pig he's being too mean to her and having her propaganda proofed by one of her Super PACS.
Oh, but Bernie should drop out, her surrogates say, Bernie has no chance, Bernie's just playing the spoiler at this point, Bernie should tell his delegates to support Hillary and "unify" the party.
If Hillary really believed that line of bullshit, then she wouldn't be running attack pieces on Sanders and thinly disguising them as independent, non-biased journalism or op-ed pieces by elected officials. She also wouldn't be using the dubious services of her small army of wouldbe Karl Roves and Lee Atwaters.
And she wouldn't be resorting to these desperate, scummy tactics if she wasn't scared shitless of Bernie Sanders. If Hillary was as confident as she insists on presenting herself, she'd be using the psy ops division of her campaign to craft attack ads and fake op-ed pieces on Trump. But she can't concentrate on him just yet because she has to get past Bernie Sanders first.
And Bernie ain't budging.
No doubt, any Hillarybots reading this will, as always, find some way to spin, deny, ignore, whitewash or otherwise poo-poo this rather inconvenient little news item that will get no traction in the completely worthless mainstream media (Least of all CNN). But in the spirit of fairness, they have to ask themselves this one question:
If Sanders was so "out of touch" and unworthy a candidate, then why is Hillary Clinton resorting to these douchebag moves disguising the authorship and true provenance of the hit pieces she's sprinkling all over the internet? Why not be upfront and above board about it instead of hiding behind corporate lobbyists that are more plentiful in her campaign than K Street and the Federal Bureau of Prisons combined?
Why can't this fucking 1% warhawk run an honest campaign for once?
Because she's a Clinton.
Why can't this fucking 1% warhawk run an honest campaign for once?
Because she's a Clinton.
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