Saturday, March 28, 2020

Gotham City Digest

(If you piss us off, we'll cough on you.)

     30,000 new cases and 200 new deaths had popped up between Tuesday and Thursday.

     Now Boris Johnson and, ironically, his own Health Minister have it. This shit just got a whole lot more serious.

     As usual, we're lagging behind the rest of the world.

    How could this happen in a health care facility, of all places?

    This is a touching human moment in the midst of a growing nightmare. We need more of this and people like Hoda and Drew Brees.

    When is sexual assault permissible? Asking for an electorate.

   This is how we ended up with a game show host as "president." Because Hillary-supporting centrist assholes in the DNC and the electorate thought handing the nomination over to the Super Delegates was a fucking corker of an idea.

    Guy who gouges the Secret Service for top dollar rates at his resorts complains GM is shaking down the government.

     Our government's unraveling in real time. This is not good. We need reassurance that our elected officials are up to the various challenges they face. This is not reassurance.

     Why haven't we been grounding flights like other countries? The airline industry's screaming for a bailout even though they're making money and putting their employees' lives at risk.

     RIP Mark Blum.

    I'm sure some of you remember reading something about the NYC Draft Riots of 1863. New Yorkers who couldn't afford the $300 opt out fee were literally up in arms over Lincoln's draft and they lynched & torched black men, blaming them for the Civil War, although I'm sure not a single one had any say in the matter of human bondage.
    We've come no further in our evolution. And if the COVID-19 virus really explodes as it's projected to, I fully expect my stupid fellow Americans to go full-bore Nativist against Asian Americans in their unfocused, incoherent rage. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)

     I am so sick and tired of this petty, snarling sociopath who's obviously willing to see Americans needlessly die just so he can get back at a Democrat.

     Oh, NOW he wants ventilators fast. Isn't it time someone told this right wing douchebag you can't invoke a federal law on social media?

     Yes, Trump just told Sean Handjob on Fox that hospitals usually have just two ventilators. Does he know what the fuck a ventilator is?
      This is the guy to whom hundreds of millions look to for guidance during a pandemic, people.

      Even an idiot like Trump recognizes McConnell is just a human sawhorse.

     This is a planetary emergency. We need to get rid of this pre-pandemic for-profit way of thinking and start saving lives.

     Meme intermission.

     Erica Jong's kid is at it again. I loves me some Molly Miranda.

     Am I a horrible person for chuckling about this? Oh, speak of the Devil...

     And another one is culled from the herd.

    Some people want to blow up hospitals like a bargain basement Joker, others leave $10,000 tips to restaurants about to close. As always, emergencies and disasters bring out the worst, and best, of humanity.

     Yes, Kaiser Permanente thanked a woman for making a supreme sacrifice that she never intended to make by withholding a medication that hasn't been proved as effective in fighting coronavirus.

    I was joking about it Wednesday on this blog but I don't think anyone's seriously asked the question of whether Trump's a carrier of COVID-19.

     As the old saying goes, trying to deal with Trump is like trying to play chess with a pigeon- He'll knock over all the pieces, shit on the board then strut around as if he won.

     Taking this line of "thinking" to its logical extent, the entire 1% would be quadriplegics by now.

     Because, you know, Canada's 4000 cases could endanger our country of nearly 105,000.

    These Russian cocksuckers did the same exact thing after Chernobyl blew in '86. They sent in hundreds of firemen who were untrained in dealing with a nuclear meltdown and without proper PPE into a radioactive inferno from which none survived. Same fate for the helicopter pilots who flew overhead building that concrete sarcophagus around Reactor Four. Then the Soviet government denied Chernobyl even blew up.
     Looks as if Trump's boss has dusted off the old Soviet playbook of implausible deniability. Now they're calling for whistleblower doctors to be investigated. Fuck you, Putin, I hope you're the next one to go.

     "Mr. Trump has told people he wants his signature to appear on the direct payment checks that will go out to many Americans in the coming weeks, according to an administration official."
      Still campaigning 24/7, eh, douchebag?

      Now Donnie Dumbo thinks he has line item veto powers.

    Republican scumbaggery in action- Trying to steal our healthcare during a global health emergency.

      As usual, I'm deeply ashamed that journalists in the UK have to write articles such as this.

     Yeah, and Hannity's saying pretty much the same shit. So why didn't he get shitcanned? How come the woman got the axe? (Another tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)

     "This is the country we live in, folks. 'Fifteen, and it's going to zero,' was how Trump described the number of coronavirus victims just a month ago. Today we're at 104,000 infections, 1,700 dead and counting. Please, someone deliver us from this monster — not from the deadly virus but from our even more deadly president."

     Just yesterday alone, 22,000 more were in infected in the US and we lost 400 more Americans. And finally...

     Billionaire sociopaths (pardon the tautology) like David Geffen just made Tiki torch and pitchfork sales spike through the roof.


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