Sunday, March 22, 2020

Gotham City Digest

(We should put these on bottles of Ensure.)

     I'm getting sick and tired of these nasty, vicious men o' God telling us we need to keep coming in to church even during an exponentially widening pandemic. Copeland is just more nakedly avaricious than most. And he wants that money to keep flowing in, or else.

      I hate right wing assholes. You couldn't pull a pin out of their asses with a tractor.

    It's up to four senators now who'd dumped stock, including Feinstein. Typically, they're all snarling they've done nothing illegal.

    You can always count on Uncle Sam to do the right thing in a pinch, like dump his stock for millions before the market crashes and then try to steal your only way of feeding yourself.

     Don't forget, the GOP is the party of smaller government that works only to lower taxes and deregulate corporations that keep them in power. Republicans are purely and simply 5th columnists. It utterly escapes me why more people don't call them this.

      They were dissuaded from taking the test by the government because there WERE no damned tests.

      It's not often you see a scumbag breaking a campaign promise AFTER suspending their campaign yet here we are.

      Do the right thing, get hit with a $35,000 hospital bill. Now she can't move to DC to start a new job so she can pay it off.

      Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the very few people in our government still capable of feeling shame.

     How much you wanna bet these new fascist censorship rules automatically won't apply to Trump's Twitter feed o' bullshit?

      Starbuck's isn't essential, true. But coffee is, especially if you're a writer.

      Jennifer Senior tore Trump a new one in Saturday's column.

      Early yesterday, Victor Blackwell interviewed national security expert Juliette Kayyem and she pretty much nailed the specific deficiencies in Trump's and the entire government's response to this pandemic.

       This is what anarchy looks like.

        Meme intermission.

      Our front line warriors in the health care field are using improvised masks made of torn bed sheets and Coke bottles. Hospitals in the US are accepting donations of costumes and props from the set of Grey's Anatomy.
       This doctor is right. This government's (non)response has been criminal. That tRump now has a 55% approval rating for it is incomprehensible and maddening. If Trump spent the time and energy attacking this virus as he does the media, our problems would be cut in half.

     There is NO excuse for this. Absolutely none. If there were so few test kits, then the lab shouldn't've been that swamped.

        Trump knew about the coming pandemic, then ignored it. Since January. And even after the first confirmed US case that month, it still took him a month and a half to do something.

      Of course the GOP stimulus package threatens Social Security. It's what these right wing scumbags do.

      To paraphrase John Stuart Mill, not all sociopaths are Republican but it sure seems all Republicans are sociopaths.

         Lucky kittie.

         Why hasn't this animal been turned into a Disney character by now?

        I haven't decided if this move on the DOJ's part is Orwellian or Kafkaesque. I'm leaning more toward Kafka.

        The Republican Party's symbol, slightly updated.

       Remember when Russia had fires and Trump offered to help Putin while California burned? Well, it shouldn't surprise you to learn Trump's offered North Korea his help with coronavirus. Considering how brilliantly he's handled it here, I say Kim should accept.

         And then there's this...

        These fucking withered zombies follow this loser all over the country like he's Jerry Garcia and the fucking Grateful Dead. Which may be an apt reference to make because Trump will give them death. And they'll be grateful for it.
         You ever read the story about the guy who strenuously avoids news about Trump?
      I'm rapidly getting to that point. I'm getting psychic nausea writing about him during this pandemic. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)

        I'm with John Oliver. I literally trust the TicTok hamster more than our so-called "president."

        Is anyone really surprised at this?

        You can always count on capitalism to do the right thing, especially in bad times.

        The Headline: Senate Coronavirus Relief Bill Blocked by Rand Paul.
        The karma: Senator Rand Paul Tests Positive For Coronavirus.
        Aqua Buddha, meet Hindu karma.

     Speaking of Pre-Cambrian America, aka Kentucky: Maybe, with a bit o' luck, all these evangelicals will Rapture themselves out of our lives for good. And finally...

       Of course Republicans would prefer to bail out corporations that don't need it during a pandemic. It just amazes me that people continue voting Republican, which is the same as punching yourself in the face.


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