Pottersville Digest
If anything's going to save this country, it won't be the sane fighting for what's right but these assholes' infallible ability to turn on and eat each other.
Oh, somebody woke up in the wrong side of the rentboy's bed this morning!
Sure, if losing hundreds of vehicles and aircraft,10,000 soldiers including five generals and Putin having to beg for mercenaries in Syria and Chechnya all in the space of a few weeks is successful, then, sure, he's been wildly successful. Roll over, Alexander the Great.
"Coleman also said that he wanted to conduct arrests of the police because they haven't let the truckers get out to go to the bathroom as they've been circling the Beltway, which has resulted in having some truckers who have 'actually pissed their pants'."
Yeah, Coleman, just trust try arresting armed cops and you'll be pissing your pants in perpetuity.
Another Russian journalist has quit working for state media.
Yes, sometimes writers are prophets.
Once again, it IS North Carolina.
"Jackson would be the only active Supreme Court justice to have attended an Ivy League law school, clerked for a Supreme Court justice, served as a public defender, served on the sentencing commission, served as a U.S. District Court judge, and served as a U.S. Court of Appeals judge."
Blackburn: "Yeah, but there's also the black thing..." (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC)
Revealed: An actual outtake from Idiocracy.
I'm surprised "Green Eggs and Ham" didn't make another appearance.
And then, there was the antiracist baby book, with poster boards!
Here we go again, the old right wing mantra of states' rights. Of course, they'd have no problem whatsoever with federal overreach if the SCOTUS ever actually did away with Roe v Wade.
"Cop among first to squeal when neo-Nazi terror cell busted for plot to attack the power grid." Sometimes, the headline really does tell the whole story.
"Ellmers is outraged precisely because he accepts the fact that a majority voted for Biden, that 'authentic Americans' have become the minority in a country which they are supposedly entitled to dominate. Here we have a striking glimpse of the depth of despair underlying the pervasive siege mentality on the right. What’s scandalous about the 2020 election, in this interpretation, is not that it was 'stolen', but that 'un-American' forces straightforwardly won." -Thomas Zimmer.
Obviously lost on Ellmers, one of the "intellectuals" of the far right, the most un-American thing of all is to not accept the outcomes of an admittedly free and fair election.
"I'm not strong enough to withstand torture," says turncoat after fleeing to one of the most brutal, repressive regimes on earth.
Back to back articles on Raw Story that perfectly describe typical Republican scumbaggery. All that's missing is a newer article above stating, "Braun doubles, triples down on disgust with interracial marriage." And finally...
By bringing up this pedophile nonstarter, Hawley's obviously giving a wink, nod and fist pump to the Qanon lunatics.
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