Thursday, March 19, 2020

Gotham City Digest

(Our office motto is, "Exit laughing.")

     Oh, look, it's Rand Paul, the Little Senator Who Wouldn't.

    Who the fuck is Vanessa Hudgens and why should we care what idiocy stumbles out of her mouth?

    The very fact that they had to put out this advisory shows you how much the Republican Party has dumbed down this once great nation.

     Check out this Youtube video and then tell me the fix isn’t in.

     A month ago, it was a "Democrat hoax." Now, Trump's pivoting to the left of the Democrat Party. This is what desperation looks like. After all these weeks, the enormity of this pandemic is finally dawning on him.

     I mentioned this a week or two ago but it bears closer scrutiny. And again, I have to wonder- It Trump trying to kill as many of us as possible. Because his sociopathic actions during this coronavirus crisis would more than suggest he is.

     What's the difference between these antivaxxer Bozos and a suicide cult? I see none. I'd ordinarily say let them die off but if they get COVID-19 because they refuse to get vaccinated, they could exponentially spread the virus to others.

    "He’s even received inquiries from a number of wealthy individuals hoping to buy their own personal ventilators, a fallback plan in case the American hospital system buckles."
     1% fucks never change. it's all about me, Me, ME. Or. as Trump put it today, the rich getting to cut ahead in line is, "The story of life."

     “The virus, we believe, is politically motivated.” Anything to keep those collection plates full, eh, Pastor?

    Pompous Maximus just threatened the ICC's families for investigating war crimes carried out when he was CIA Director.

     Yeah, NOW Fox is taking it seriously...

      Meme intermission.

     This is just one of several ways that Trump's trying to profit off this pandemic. While scores of Americans have died and thousands more infected, the first thing Trump thought about was how he could profit off this. He has attempted this by:
     1) Kinking the supply chain on coronavirus test kits and trying to ensure only HIS pharmaceutical company gets exclusive marketing rights.
     2) Trying to buy a German pharmaceutical company working on the cure so he could get a patent and exclusive rights to the vaccine.
     3) Trying to bail out the hospitality industry, of which he is very much a part.
    This is what pure sociopaths do. And I posit that Donald Trump is the worst possible person in America to lead our pandemic response.

     On Obama's last full day in office the Dow was at 19,804.72. Wednesday it closed at 19,898.99, thereby wiping all the gains it made under Trump.

     Another reason not to eat at McDick's.

     NYPD cops have got to be the stupidest people on the planet. And yet, their mindless thuggery keeps working for them. This Staten Island cop was caught BY HIS OWN BODY CAM planting weed in a person's car for THE SECOND TIME within a month. Yet the footage took over two years to get out, long after the victim accepted a plea deal that landed him in prison.
      These two thugs are still on the force and, presumably, still illegally carrying on them marijuana they obtained from who knows where.

    This file footage we're seeing every day on TV? It's starting to resemble what you'd see in the opening minutes of a Danny Boyle zombie movie.

     To all you Hillary holdovers and other barnacles of the Democrat Party, read this. It plays poorly in the media when Trump is more closely aligned with Bernie Sanders than the so-called Democratic leadership, doesn't it? Vote blue no matter who, my sore ass.

     As a mystery novelist, articles like this are like cat nip to me.

    "It’s not going to kill anybody," Trump says at White House press briefing. Now, Trump, on the other hand, that's another story.

    “The problem is that they came in very arrogant and convinced that they knew more than the outgoing administration — full swagger.” Arrogant little bastards.

     Yeah, he fucked up and you cheered him. There are no do-overs, you Trumpanzee assholes. You own this. You will always own this.

      Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, this financial disaster-in-the-making is unfolding before our very eyes. Gov. Charlie Baker announced a small business loan program that, when you examine the fine print and italics, excludes small businesses already in trouble and is geared exclusively for medium-sized businesses that aren't financially stressed.

     You want to know why hospitals don't have enough N95 respirator masks? Ask Trump. He refuses to buy them from China. This is the master trade deal maker.

    Take a look at some of these prices. Amazon's said to be clamping down on price-gouging profiteers but obviously that isn't the case. One seller is selling 3M N95 respirators in a 10 pack for $150. Others are charging up to $29 just for shipping.

       I've been wondering for weeks now why no one in the MSM had addressed the issue of the tens of thousands of migrants we have packed together like sardines in our 100+ detention facilities from Texas to Massachusetts. Luckily, our chapter of the ACLU has.

      $1000 checks to Americans- Good idea, bad idea, is it enough?

      I love what Gal Gadot did here. What we need in the world is less bad news and more triumphs of the human spirit.

      Wonderful. Guess which blood type my sons and I are? And finally...

      On Tuesday, NYC reported 900 cases.
      On Wednesday, it was over 1800.
      Thursday? 3600.
      This is increasing exponentially by 100% a day.


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