Monday, March 16, 2020

Gotham City Digest

(We don't judge but those who need to be judged.)

     At 35 double-spaced pages, this will take some time to read. But it's no less a must read essay by Judge Lynn Adelman, a federal judge out of Wisconsin.

     Oh, Jesus, now Trudeau's wife has it. I hope she gets well soon.

     A study shows that every hospital bed in the nation will be taken up in less than a month due to coronavius-COVID-19. Another study showed there could be as many as 96,000,000 cases in the US alone.
     There are just a million hospital beds in the US. Think about that.

      Trump's using coronavirus to attack Social Security? Why he'd never do that!

     Feckless cunt. Fuck you, you didn't close the pandemic office, you lying sack of shit.

     Chelsea Manning's out of prison but she still has a better than a quarter of a million dollar fine to pay.

      What a douchebag. He's blaming people for not getting tested with kits that don't exist.

      Now that coronavirus is at the forefront of everyone's minds not just in the US but all over the world, Democrats would be more than a bit amiss to not capitalize on this and meaningfully distinguish themselves as the party best equipped to confront this emergency. The right wing, knowing they don't have shit to offer besides tax cuts, will accuse the Dems of politicizing this (Please, as if they're above partisanship) but fuck 'em. If you have any better ideas, let's hear them and let the people decide which side has the better plan.
     This should start with Sanders. If he'd repeated in DC what what he'd said in Vermont, it automatically would've put Old Joe on his back foot. Give hm enough rope and he'll eventually tell you his plan involves gallons of cod liver oil and thousands of mustard plasters.

      Of course, the same right wing nut jobs who defended Donnie Dumbo during his impeachment will be short-stroking this until the Rapture because, you know, black.

      Trump used to or still owns stock in a company that makes Coronavirus testing kits, which would explain why he'd refused the WHO's testing kits while Americans died.

      Meme intermission.

     "Harvard scientist analyzes 6.8 million tweets and finds Sanders supporters are NOT more hostile to rivals than people who support other candidates." So shut the fuck up with your #BernieBro propaganda shit.

       Yes, our unofficial coronavirus czar without whose input the task force cannot proceed, is doing all his research... on Facebook.

       Note that thus far, every single lawmaker hiding from the virus is a Republican. They hide, we die.

     The REAL reason for Friday's national emergency announcement. Trump's fascist buddy Bolsonaro got it after spending the weekend at Mar a Lago with Generalissimo el Caudillo.

        God, this makes me see red. Like, at his age, how many more billions does Jeff fucking Bezos need? I'm sure he was the one Bernie was thinking of when he said, "Billionaires should not exist."

       This not only doesn't surprise me, I should've almost come to expect it. From having lived in Italy for nearly two and a half years, I can tell you that Italians are especially social people.

       And yet, he still respects Lewis Powell, the guy who wrote the 1971 Powell Memo that paved the way for the wealthy to run this country, which became the basis for many of Roberts' decisions?

       Politics is a blood sport, always has been, always will be. And Biden is just as much fair game as Trump or anyone else. Perhaps if a high profile politician like Sanders called attention to Biden's obvious dementia, the 8000 pound elephant in the room the MSM keep ignoring will perhaps be observed by more people and they'll start paying attention to his countless gaffes.
      But, personally, I didn't think he would and I was right. Biden and the DNC are kneecap artists, so many big-thinking Jeff Gilloolys. Sanders is still campaigning by Marquis de Queensbury Rules that the Democrat Party demands but also feels no obligation to observe.
      So fuck them seven ways to Sunday. This is a presidential election, not a prom.

      Health tips from Dr. Ben Carson:
      1) Cough in your hand and immediately touch as many surfaces as possible.
      2) Touch your face afterwards.
      3) Pray the COVID_19 away.

      The first thing I thought of when a friend of mine in Hong Kong sent this to me was that it'll be nowhere near your nose and mouth, the two main portals for coronavirus. This virologist goes on to state that even if the necklace was near your nose and mouth, the ingredients would irritate the passages because they're corrosive chemicals. This is almost as crazy as gargling with bleach. (Tip o' the tinfoil hat to Constant Reader, CC.)

      North Carolina Governor Cooper closed all schools in the state for a fortnight. I'm afraid this won't be the last state-wide closure.

       Next, Trump will declare Friday the end of the work week.
      "I decided to call this Executive Order the TGIF Order. You may not know, that's what I call 'Thank God it's Friday'. Which is why you didn't know that because I made it up. Ya wouldn't have known that because you're not stable geniuses. I'm also thinking of naming another day hump day. Although I haven't decided which day. Maybe Saturday because that's when a lot of people have sex. But I'm always thinking, always thinking..."

       OK, who else is jealous?

       It's Operation Paperclip all over again. We're trying to poach German scientists so they can make an exclusive vaccine for Trump's buddies in the pharmaceutical company in which he allegedly still owns stock. A deadly pandemic the likes of which humanity hasn't seen in over a century and this fascist asshole's thinking patents.
       And if you think the self-dealing stops there, read on...

      This article doesn't state it but this testing launch is from a company owned by Jared Kushner's brother, Josh. That's why there were no test kits. The Trump crime family wanted a piece of the action while scores of Americans died of #COVID19. Kushner's kid brother has apparently gotten well over half a billion dollars in funding from Google's parent company, Alphabet.

       Meanwhile, Norway's just decided to close their airports to all foreigners.

      Sure, the tests may be free, maybe not. It's the vaccines that'll get you, which is why Trump is trying to patent it.

      One possible treatment for coronavirus may be Viagra. It may or may not work but at least it would keep the old guys from rolling out of bed.

       What amazes me about the wingnut mind is that it has an infallible capacity for inventing endless conspiracy theories.

        "Malignant shit funnel" is my new favorite phrase.

        How pathetic is it that Amazon, which gladly accepts a 15% cut on price-gouged items, has to step in and play the good guy?

        The senior senator from Florida, ladies & gentlemen. And finally...

       The Dow lost another 3000 points today. They've lost almost all the gains they've made under Trump. It hit a high of 29,000+. Now it's almost down to where it was when Obama left office in 2017.


At March 17, 2020 at 12:25 AM, Anonymous CC said...

"There are just a million hospital beds in the US."

New York lost quite a number of them over the last 20 or so years due to financial problems and mergers. The entire city is prime real estate and some hospital chains want to sell their properties for lucrative profits than provide a service.

In their place have sprung up many "urgent care centers" that aren't as well-equipped to handle big cases, never mind mass casualties.


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