Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Dark Side of Déjà Vu

     So CNN and every other major mainstream media outlet has already declared Joe fucking Biden the Democratic nominee if not the 46th president. Fellow aging centrist Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina is calling not only for Bernie to drop out but for the cancellation of all other primaries. Biden's victory lap last night was worded to sound as if Bernie had already dropped out (He's not, according to his speech in Burlington today) before calling for the unity that wasn't so much in abundance when Sanders had reeled off three primary and caucus victories in a row.
     Now is the time for unity, now that the DNC has installed another doddering, snarling, senile right winger who perfectly embodies the latter-day Democrat Party (aka Tammany Hall 2.0).
     Because advancing the exact same type of "Democrat" four years ago worked out so swimmingly against MAGAt Nation.
     As of this writing, Biden's "won" four of the six states up for grabs, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri and Idaho, which is to be expected considering they generally go for right wing scumbags like Biden. Bernie took North Dakota and Washington state's still being decided although it looks as if Biden will steal that, too.
     The latest delegate count shows Biden up by 150 delegates, 860 to Bernie's 710. And the news isn't getting any better for Bernie: The next group of primary states, Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio, are all states that Bernie lost in 2016. They're all red or swing states.
     But the healthy amount of skepticism that the voters and MSM should have regarding Biden's sudden electibility is nowhere to be seen. Here's a guy making his third run for the presidency and the first two times he was chased out early in the game. In 1988, he was deemed ineligible on the basis of plagiarism and in 2008, it was a simple matter of no one liking him and Obama running roughshod over him.
     That was 32 and 12 years ago and Biden's mental decline has only sharply accelerated. Since his two presidential bids, he's fondled quite a few little girls, made thousands of faux pas, especially this election cycle. While he's not talking about his hairy legs and children rubbing them, he's telling voters he'll raise their health care premiums and give them not quality health care but affordable health care (after, once again, promising to raise premiums).
     Some mornings he thinks it's 1920, a year he never lived through, thinks his late son Beau was the Attorney General of the United States, claimed he was arrested in South Africa, that's he's running for the US Senate and, just yesterday, told a voter that AR-14s hold 100 rounds and that he wanted to slap the voter. And last year, he was overheard telling billionaires at a fundraiser that if he gets elected, "nothing substantially" will change regarding their taxes.
     People, even Donald Trump, a pure sociopath if ever there was one, treats his own voters and supporters better than that.
     So a man who has proven time and again to be so unelectible for the presidency that he was unable to generate enough support to last a primary season, is now suddenly the guy to beat Trump.
     Like Hillary was.
     OK, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Biden beats Trump, which is never going to happen in this or any alternate universe... what then?
     That's when you hear the crickets and tumbleweeds in the distance. The so-called front-runner has not rolled out any health care plan of his own any more than Trump has, much less how he'd pay for it.
     Trump will make mincemeat of this doddering right wing psychopath and MAGAt Nation will happily help him just as it had four years ago the last time the machine Democrat Party foisted on voters that year's snarling, aging Republican.
     As of right now, #writeinBernie is trending on Twitter and the usual right wing trolls posing as Democrats are auditing the hashtag. You can usually tell that they're sock puppet accounts by the 14-24 followers they have and they're all suspiciously saying the same exact thing:
     "#WriteBernie? A vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump. Trump will get reelected because of you!"
     So, the fix is in, just as we'd predicted last year. Being dyed in the wool Republicans, the DNC can't think beyond the same old playbook despite its historical failures to win the WH or both chambers of Congress. They're just dirty and duplicitous enough to derail Bernie every four years but when it comes to pulling the trigger on election day, well, stopping Trump is obviously of less importance than stopping the Socialist Jew from Brooklyn. Quick, someone get an aging centrist who's already lost at least one presidential campaign we can pull out of obscurity so they can tank the election!
     The multimillionaire cunts of the corporate MSM, who don't want to see their taxes go up any more than do the corporate lobbyist and machine Democrat scumbags who make up the super delegate pool , certainly played their part just as they had four years ago.
     I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd rather see Trump get reelected to a second term if another stunning and needless loss results in the immediate, complete and permanent destruction of the DNC and the Democrat party as know it.


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