Gotham City Digest
(If he only had a brain. And a heart. And courage...)
So, this is what we're reduced to in the glorious Age of Trump-
Accepting help from the country that hacks our elections. They'd better
check that equipment for bugs.
You know who this lunatic voted for in 2016.
Brought to you by the letters W, T & F. This is not the Sanders we ought to be listening to.
Meanwhile, Wall St. already got its half a trillion dollar bailout. The rest of us? Well, your onetime $1200 check should be there in early September. Maybe.
I guess l'il Jeffy's going to have to get sloppier on the backstroke.
6.6 million unemployment claims were filed this week alone, on top of last week’s 3.28 million. 10,000,000 people out of work just in the last fortnight and this asshole's rah rah sis boom bahing a patent that for some reason has already been given to Gilead despite there being no cure.
Woman already worth half a billion dollars now $20,000,000 richer capitalizing on pandemic thanks to illegal insider trading.
This is the company that fired Chris Smalls for organizing a walkout over concerns that Amazon wasn't taking the lives and safety of their workers seriously.
That teleconference at FEMA HQ was just two weeks ago on March 19th. Look at Trump's face. This is the face of a sociopath who's bored hearing news about Americans dying or anything that doesn't glorify him in some way.
As usual with right wing nut jobs, it's all about "owning the libs" even if it gets people killed.
Meme intermission.
So, fucking A, Biden bots, let's elect the guy who just wants to retain the dysfunctional status quo that he once called, "so fucking cool."
This is probably the best landlord in Canada. My own scumbag landlord RAISED my rent when I was between leases.
So, bottom line, our government can't provide first responders and medical facilities with desperately-needed respirators, ventilators, testing kits, PPE or anything that could potentially save American lives.
You know who this lunatic voted for in 2016.
Brought to you by the letters W, T & F. This is not the Sanders we ought to be listening to.
Meanwhile, Wall St. already got its half a trillion dollar bailout. The rest of us? Well, your onetime $1200 check should be there in early September. Maybe.
I guess l'il Jeffy's going to have to get sloppier on the backstroke.
6.6 million unemployment claims were filed this week alone, on top of last week’s 3.28 million. 10,000,000 people out of work just in the last fortnight and this asshole's rah rah sis boom bahing a patent that for some reason has already been given to Gilead despite there being no cure.
Woman already worth half a billion dollars now $20,000,000 richer capitalizing on pandemic thanks to illegal insider trading.
This is the company that fired Chris Smalls for organizing a walkout over concerns that Amazon wasn't taking the lives and safety of their workers seriously.
That teleconference at FEMA HQ was just two weeks ago on March 19th. Look at Trump's face. This is the face of a sociopath who's bored hearing news about Americans dying or anything that doesn't glorify him in some way.
As usual with right wing nut jobs, it's all about "owning the libs" even if it gets people killed.
Meme intermission.
So, fucking A, Biden bots, let's elect the guy who just wants to retain the dysfunctional status quo that he once called, "so fucking cool."
This is probably the best landlord in Canada. My own scumbag landlord RAISED my rent when I was between leases.
So, bottom line, our government can't provide first responders and medical facilities with desperately-needed respirators, ventilators, testing kits, PPE or anything that could potentially save American lives.
But we're sure great at pumping out body bags by the hundreds of thousands, aren't we?
In case you were wondering why #KushnerForPrison2021 is trending, this is how our Coronavirus Czar is REALLY spending his days.
I could never imagine Teddy Roosevelt the man, a REAL Navy official, as opposed to one of Trump's "acting" seat-warming flunkies, doing this. But Trump isn't Teddy Roosevelt. Trump's a petty, tiny man who actually thinks "Kill the Messenger" is a perfectly acceptable game to play on Capitol Hill.
This November, Americans will be left with two choices: Both are demented, white 70-something, child molesting, right wing womanizers.
In case you were wondering why #KushnerForPrison2021 is trending, this is how our Coronavirus Czar is REALLY spending his days.
I could never imagine Teddy Roosevelt the man, a REAL Navy official, as opposed to one of Trump's "acting" seat-warming flunkies, doing this. But Trump isn't Teddy Roosevelt. Trump's a petty, tiny man who actually thinks "Kill the Messenger" is a perfectly acceptable game to play on Capitol Hill.
This November, Americans will be left with two choices: Both are demented, white 70-something, child molesting, right wing womanizers.
May we have the strength to choose wisely.
Great moments in journalism. The Fibonacci Gang captured at last.
Great moments in journalism. The Fibonacci Gang captured at last.
Oh, so THAT'S what happened to it all.
It's still inconceivable to me that the richest nation on earth can't get the necessary equipment to our front line medical workers and that we have to ration and apportion what we do have on a triage basis.
GOP attorney rakes Kushner over the coals for being the stereotypical son in law- A talentless hack who wouldn't be where he is today without his Daddy in law.
Rick Scott simply belongs in prison for deliberately sabotaging the unemployment insurance system in Florida. The "shit sandwich" quote is from a top aide to Ron DeSantis.
The world's worst son in law: "For me, not for thee, motherfuckers."
And then, to coordinate with Jared's lies, the WH quietly decided to pull this shit today...
This is what happens when you vote for Republicans, people: Drunks handling the worst disease outbreak in a century. They can't even be trusted to govern while sober.
Pirates and thieves. That's who's running our government. Remember late last month when Trump accused New York health care workers of stealing masks and selling them "through the back door"? That was typical Trump projection. We just stole 200,000 masks from Germany.
The fire hose of bullshit from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is still spewing gloriously. And finally...
Gee, just in time, Donnie Dumbo. If we'd done this in early January, we wouldn't have nearly 10,000 dead Americans.
It's still inconceivable to me that the richest nation on earth can't get the necessary equipment to our front line medical workers and that we have to ration and apportion what we do have on a triage basis.
GOP attorney rakes Kushner over the coals for being the stereotypical son in law- A talentless hack who wouldn't be where he is today without his Daddy in law.
Rick Scott simply belongs in prison for deliberately sabotaging the unemployment insurance system in Florida. The "shit sandwich" quote is from a top aide to Ron DeSantis.
The world's worst son in law: "For me, not for thee, motherfuckers."
And then, to coordinate with Jared's lies, the WH quietly decided to pull this shit today...
This is what happens when you vote for Republicans, people: Drunks handling the worst disease outbreak in a century. They can't even be trusted to govern while sober.
Pirates and thieves. That's who's running our government. Remember late last month when Trump accused New York health care workers of stealing masks and selling them "through the back door"? That was typical Trump projection. We just stole 200,000 masks from Germany.
The fire hose of bullshit from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is still spewing gloriously. And finally...
Gee, just in time, Donnie Dumbo. If we'd done this in early January, we wouldn't have nearly 10,000 dead Americans.
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