Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Gotham City Digest: No April Fool's edition

(Sadly, all these stories are very real.)

     "I am generally not a fan of eminent domain, but if there is a clearer case for it than this one, especially at this moment in time, I don’t know what it would be. Last Thursday, the city broke off negotiations for the use of the hospital. It contracted with Temple University to use its gym for hospital overflow. There is nothing wrong with America that could not be fixed by shutting down the nation’s graduate schools of business for a while." - Charles Pierce, ESQUIRE
     This is disaster capitalism at its worst.

     "Mrs. Green? Hey, it's me again, God. Look, disregard what I said.a coupla days ago. I was on an ambrosia bender with this coronavirus shit I accidentally touched off. Anyway, yeah, close down the fucking stores. Oh, and you might wanna permanently shitcan most of your employees. They're just deadwood at this point. Gotta maintain that bottom line to keep those tithes movin' along. Toodles. God signing off."

     "Yeah, Mrs. Green? God again. Look, forget what I said yesterday because it's obvious by now that, like Trump, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing so just reopen the stores, after all. My law supercedes secular law anyway, right?"
     Avarice during a pandemic is bad enough. But Hobby Lobby's avarice doesn't even make sense when they insist on flouting state law to remain open in states in which shelter-in-place orders have been handed down by the governors. Hobby Lobby's conduct during this whole crisis has been stupid, greedy, creepy, callous and furtive.

      Typical Republican asshole. Maybe after another 100,000 die of this horrible, painful, terrifyingly communicable virus, Biden MAY start rethinking his right wing opposition to single payer. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

     So, this asshole's flailing like a dying, beached whale, trying to divert attention from the very inconvenient fact that his still-lethargic response to this pandemic has and still is resulting in hospitals trying to operate without PPE. I'd say this pretend president is lower than whale shit but whale shit at least floats.

    This is how the bastard sons and daughters of Jeff fucking Bezos handle the coronavirus pandemic.

      Or, you can just blink twice if you think your lives are in danger.

     We tried to build a fleet of ventilators. We failed. And we're the country that put 16 men on the moon?

     "When an outbreak began on the USS Boxer, sailors and officers were packed into a room, against CDC regulations, and told to social distance."
      "The sailor said that there are about 150 to 250 sailors coming from Navy Boot Camp who have traveled through airports and been on airplanes. While they are screened for coronavirus, they’re packed into rooms to deal with paperwork. "
      We are so fucking doomed.

     "About denial: Epidemiologists trying to get a handle on the coronavirus threat appear to have been caught off guard by the immediate politicization of their work, the claims that they were perpetrating a hoax designed to hurt Trump, or promote socialism, or something."
      Like half a trillion dollars in corporate welfare, for instance?

     Trump to governors: "I haven't heard about testing being a problem." That's because you're too busy listening to the echoes of the cheers of your old hate rallies, you fucking moron.

      Gee, you think this is because Illinois is one of the many states that Trump lost in 2016? He lost Illinois by nearly 900,000 votes.

      It's Infrastructure Week again, which means Trump's getting antsy about getting re-elected again.

      Or, as I said last week, coronavirus is the reason we should've convicted Trump in January. Expelling that genocidal fuck from office last January would've saved thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of American lives.

     Meme intermission.

     At a time when the medical field is stressed beyond the breaking point, this heartless corporation decided now was the time to slash pay and benefits for its doctors and nurses.

    2020 America: Where doctors and nurses are getting compensation cut while suppliers are bloating the prices of much-needed medical supplies.

     Some of our best and brightest journalists have uncovered hard evidence that Paul Ryan was hip deep in the Russian hacking scandal.

     I suppose the Trump administration should be given points for handing out fan ponchos to doctors in NYC that are team-specific. When I see shit like this, there is no way that anyone can tell me that Trump isn't kinking the hose on certain states against which he has a beef.

     "There is one drive-thru at a CVS in Massachusetts, three at two Walmarts and a Walgreens in the Chicago area and another at a Rite Aid in Philadelphia... Two days ago, Walmart clarified its sites will test only first responders and health care workers with coronavirus symptoms. The locations are not open to the general public seeking tests."
      They're literally hiding the locations from the American public. So much for Trump's grand plan on Friday the 13th for getting corporate America involved.

      Keep in mind, the Globe's editorial board is hardly a bastion of left wing liberalism. But they've done a good job enumerating most of Trump's countless failures during this pandemic.

     It seems, in grudgingly giving Taiwan, a world leader in battling coronavirus, second class observer status, the WHO is as horrible, duplicitous and incompetent as Trump. Why the WHO's kowtowing to the country that gave us this fucking pandemic is beyond me.

      Meanwhile, we in the reality-based community see Bernie Sanders' ceaseless push for Medicare For All as not only the most realistic path forward but that M4A has been made more relevant than ever with this pandemic.

      What the fuck is right wing nut job Franklin Graham doing in Central Park? Why, trolling for converts, of course.

        Meanwhile, in Penceville...

       The Pentagon offered to send 2000 ventilators to hospitals. They can't because the White House hasn't given them shipping instructions. How can anyone say with a straight face that Trump isn't actively and deliberately committing genocide?

        Time for another spirited round of "Rally 'Round the Flag."

      "Death is an unavoidable part of life," says right wing senator who's comfortably sheltered in place. This, ladies and germs, is the dubious heart and soul of the Republican Party.

      One more time, people- Trump is trying to murder you. This is a tightly-controlled, micro-managed extermination. And finally...

      "Texas Pastors, Right-Wing Activist Mount Constitutional Challenge to Stay-At-Home Order." One of them is actually a fucking doctor. Because, you know, videoconferencing doesn't fill collection plates.


At April 2, 2020 at 7:54 AM, Anonymous CC said...

My fellow Americans, our country has officially become a theocratic banana republic that worships both God and Mammon, but tends to side with the latter when the chips are down.


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